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If the person is prone to blaming all their angry feelings on their loved ones , then possibly, but most of the time bipolars are fixed on hurting their own skin, not others.

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Q: Can a person with bipolar disorder injure a loved one?
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Is a person with bipolar capable of loving and feeling loved?

yes,i am bipolar and i have had a few good relashonships u have to find the right person.

Why did Adam Ant sleep with so many women?

According to his Autobiography, he loved women very much. Unfortunately, his bipolar disorder didn't enable him to be a faithful boyfriend to any girlfriends he had.

What happens to a person who suffers from bipolar disorders?

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness caused by an imbalance of serotonin in the brain. It causes mood swings ranging from euphoric mania to dangerous levels of depression. This is a condition with a physical, neurological basis. It is not due to the choices that a person has made and (in severe cases) can only be remedied with medical treatment. There are historic studies demonstrating that when left untreated, the condition causes the brain to deteriorate overtime, eventually leading to dimentia-like symptoms late in life..There are three basic classes of Bipolar Disorder:.Bipolar I - A person suffers from mania in which they are euphoric, do not need to sleep, have tremendous creative energy, and gradually begin to separate from reality (becoming delusional). The person may have normal behavior for a time. Then the person sinks into a depression regardless of circumstances. These episodes can last for months. Depression often results in suicide.. Bipolar II - Similar to Bipolar I, but with hypo-mania, which is less severe than mania.. Schizo-affective disorder - A combination of bipolar and schizophrenic symptoms.. There are a broad range of treatments for bipolar disorder. Many people afflicted with it may show no symptoms under competent treatment..In the United States, most people do not understand that this condition is an illness with a concrete neurological basis, do not understand that it is not the fault of the person afflicted with it, and attribute it to irresponsible behavior and attention seeking. There is a great stigma toward bipolar disorder and often people with the condition are shunned by their families and communities..The response below is very typical of the opinions of laypeople toward bipolar disorder. In it the person generalizes that all people with bipolar disorder tend to be abusive and dishonest, that they are melodramatic and attention seeking, and that they usually refuse treatment. Such ideas are inaccurate generalizations that attempt to pigeon-hole every person with bipolar disorder in the same category.Their mind races.They are not stable and they tend to abuse either themselves,property,or loved ones.They also believe in unreal things or almost trick themselves.They are not stable and are definitely always on a emotional roller-coaster. They almost "don't have hearts" because they think what they are doing is justified or right and never feel bad and they will lie to you to make you believe that they feel bad but they are only doing that for drama. Bipolar is a serious mental illness and if you know of someone who suffers from this mental illness you should get them help now and don't stop trying just because they say they don't have it or they refuse to take medication this is very common for them..Rebuttal: The above statement is full of generalizations, logical contradictions, and dangerous misinformation. Each person afflicted with this condition is different and they don't tend to hallucinate or believe in unreal things (that is schizophrenia) or trick themselves. The statement about "not having hearts" and lying confuses bipolar disorder with sociopathy. Assuming that all people with bipolar disorder create "drama" and don't take medication is part of the reason there is so much stigma toward this illness; too many people do not remotely understand it and profess to be experts.

Social Phobia May Mean Different Things to Different People?

A social phobia may be different in different people. A person who fears social situations or falls apart in crowds may suffer from anxiety disorder.. A person who believes everyone dislikes them may simply be suffering from depression. A person who believes that everyone is out to get them may be in the biggest danger. This social phobia may be schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Whatever the case, seek help for yourself or a loved one.

How does bipolar affect a person?

Bipolar Disorder can affect absolutely anyone. There is always a fine line between a person being well or ill. I think we all experience low moods (such as when a relationship breaks up or when we lose a loved one) or extreme highs too. Its when these High or Lows become extreme in response to life events that they become a disorder, or when the lows become depressive or the highs make you do things you would not normally do when your mood is norml that it becomes an issue.

What expectations should a wife have of a bipolar husband for 39 years?

Any persons with any kind of mental illness/disorder/instability deserved to be loved. The spouse who loves, feel complete by just being with the one he/she loves, and expect love in return, respect and thankfulness.

Does 2 PAC have ADHD?

i think he did, but i also think he had bipolar disorder too. he always inspired me, i loved his quotes, trapped since birth, cautious cause im curse, it seems that all of his life he had a angel and devil sitting on his shoulder which describes why he was not very happy.

Why Is Bipolar Treatment Important?

In the days of Sylvia Plath's "Bell Jar", a Bipolar diagnosis would net patients a lengthy stay in the mental hospital, drug cocktails to fight psychosis and depression, and possibly even electroshock therapy. Today, most people view Bipolar disorder too lightly. Some even feel that it requires no treatment at all, seeing it merely as a sign of one gifted with an extremely creative mind. While it is true that some of our best and brightest artists, musicians and movie stars do suffer with Bipolar disorder, they do still need treatment to keep their symptoms manageable. Persons with untreated Bipolar disorder can experience a variety of symptoms that range from the slightly bizarre to the completely debilitating. Failure to seek treatment for Bipolar disorder can lead to worsening of symptoms and increased duration of symptoms. Untreated, symptoms of a manic or depressive cycle may persist for up to six months. While having a full blown manic or depressive episode, patients may behave in ways that they later regret. They may engage in promiscuous behavior or self medicate with alcohol or other drugs. They may run up massive credit card bills they will later be unable to pay or make poor choices regarding payment of existing bills. Those that suffer from Bipolar disorder are also at an increased risk of suicide, the ultimate price for not seeking treatment. Because symptoms may come and go with long periods of normal behavior in between episodes, family and friends will have to watch their loved ones with Bipolar disorder to ensure that they continue prescribed treatments during times when they may feel normal. It is not uncommon for those that have been diagnosed as Bipolar to doubt their diagnosis and cease treatment when they feel normal. Patients that cease their prescribed Bipolar treatment are more likely to succumb to suicide. Persons who receive regular Bipolar treatment may eventually experience complete relief from the symptoms of their disorder.

Should you not take a stimulant if you have bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder or what is also known as maniac depressive disorder is a psychiatric illness that can be treated through pharmaceuticals, most notably Lithium and counseling by a doctor of psychiatric medicine. More medicines are now available for people who do not tolerate Lithium very well. A psychiatrist is the best place to start if you think you might be bipolar to aid you in the understanding of the condition. Some people shy away from seeking help but the best thing you can do for yourself and loved ones is to maintain a normal quality of life.As far as stimulants go; are you referring to illegal drugs, cough medicines, or simple ones such as coffee, tea and soft drinks; which contain caffeine? Assuming you mean foods with stimulants, they can be tolerated if your doctor feels it will not harm you and your bipolar disorder is in control. If you are referring to over the counter stimulants such as Vivarin, etc. it is not wise to mix these drugs if you are bipolar. These drugs are full of caffeine and do no one much good on any front as they are devised to keep one alert and awake. This is not a good combination if you are bipolar.If you are referring to illegal drugs, avoid them at all cost. Your foremost concern should be to control your bipolar condition with the aid of a psychiatrist and get regular blood levels to monitor your psycho-pharmaceuticals medications such as Lithium.

Questions about dating bipolar girl?

The manic-depressive syndrome (known also as bipolar disorder) shouldn't be such a pest if she takes her medicine (lithium) as prescribed. Of course, people with any type of disorders need affection and being shown they're loved, but don't we all need and like that? And the cool part is that many manic-depressive people are the life of the party if they're in one of their manic moods. You just have to be more understanding and loving when it swings.

Assessing Mental Health with a Bipolar Test?

If you feel like mood swings are making your life more difficult, you may want to have a bipolar test completed. Bipolar disorder is a mental condition that affects moods, often resulting in extreme highs and lows in your thinking and behaviors. A test can help you decide whether or not it is time to speak to a trained professional.The TestWhen taking a bipolar test you will need to answer a series of questions based on your thinking patterns and moods. You may want to begin by keeping a journal of your thoughts, moods and behaviors. Note any times that you feel very happy, very low, active, depressed, or anything in between. Being able to pinpoint how you are feeling over the course of a few days can help you answer the questions on the test accurately and truthfully.A bipolar test will need to be answered completely truthfully in order to find the help you need to deal with your emotions and behaviors. Bipolar disorder is often characterized by very good feelings of elation and happiness which are quickly replaced with feelings of depression or hopelessness. If you have experienced being on top of the world one moment, only to find yourself crying the next moment, a bipolar test is a good place to begin analyzing your feelings.Your ResultsThe results of your bipolar test can be an important part of finding the right treatment for you. Bipolar disorder can be treated with a combination of medicines from a licensed physician or therapist, as well as cognitive therapy from a psychologist. With the right treatment program you can feel more comfortable with your emotions and moods. You will also see a drastic reduction in the mood swings that are common with this disorder.While a bipolar test may not be a definite diagnosis for the disorder, the test is a good place to begin. Being able to recognize your feelings and determine when your emotions and behaviors are out of your control will allow you to seek the treatment that you need. Bipolar disorder affects millions of people around the world. Treatment can help you find a way to balance your emotions and live a fuller, more satisfying life with your loved ones.

Do people with bpd ever come back?

Borderline Personality Disorder is a severe mental disorder, there are no cures for BPD, and the people who suffer from this disorder have erratic switches in their personality whichÊsometimes can be triggered and sometimes not. Sometimes the sufferer in unaware of what the other personality does. For loved ones of a person with BPD, it is a life long struggle to maintain any sense of normalcy.