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No...someone with a B blood type has anti-A antibodies so the A blood type in the AB blood would cause clotting.

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Roxane Bode

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Q: Can a person with blood type b receive a transfusion of blood types b and ab?
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What types of herpes can you get from a blood tranfusion?

Herpes is spread by skin-to-skin contact, not by blood. You can't get herpes from a blood transfusion.

If you have blood type B and have antibody A what blood types can you safely receive?

You are able to receive type A, type B and type AB you can receive any type of blood.

What blood types can an AB blood type recieve blood from?

A negative, B negative, AB negative, or O negative"As far as I can tell AB negative can only receive AB negative. It is one of if not THE rarest blood type. You can find out for sure by looking up blood types on Google I think I went to wikipedia the last time I checked."For information we cannot rely on wikipedia, because it can be changed by anyone :=)And the answer for your question is AB- can receive all blood type with rhesus negative (A-, B-, O-, and AB-)It is the rarest type only 0.7% people have this type, but in term of recipient is not.O- is the only one can receive O-.Basically blood type with (+) can receive (+) or (-), andblood type with (-) only can receive (-). That is why O- is the hardest in term of blood transfution.

Why can't a person with a blood type A safely receive a transfusion of blood type B?

The type B blood has an antigen on the red cells identifying them as B type cells. The type A blood of the recipient contains antibodies that bind to B type antigens. These antibodies will cause the red cells of the blood in the transfusion to stick together forming solid lumps in the blood, preventing it from flowing.

What blood type can A receive from?

Depending on whether you are A+ or A- you can receive different types of blood. If you have A+ blood you can often receive blood from A+, A-, O+, and O-. However, if you are A- you can only usually receive blood from A- and O-.

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If a person with type on B blood needs a transfusion witch types of blood he or she can receive?

B and O

What types of blood types are compatible?

Generally the only time blood type compatability is important is during a blood transfusion. At this time it is essential that the recipient be given a blood type they are compatible with to avoid a fatal reaction. A person with AB blood can receive blood for anyone. A person with A blood can only receive blood from someone who has either A or O blood. Similarly a type B person can receive only from type B or O. A type O person can donate to any bloodtype, but can only receive from another type O person.

If your friend with type O plus blood needs a blood transfusion can your type A plus blood be given safely to him?

No. O types must receive blood from other O types.

What blood types can receive type B blood?

Type B and O. With type A and AB, the blood would resist the transfusion and clump up.

Which blood types can a person with o blood receive?

A person with type O can receive only type O blood.

What determines the type of blood that a person can receive in transfusion?

First you must have a type and screen which determines your blood type. Then the blood get cross-matched to see if it is a good fit. There are many factors that must be considered before a person receives blood. Of course in a trauma situation where there is no time to type, screen and cross match patients always receive Type O negative blood as this is the "Universal Donor."

What factors determine the compatibility of blood types for transfusion?

Blood type is determined by the type of antigen

Is Blood types checked before a transfusion?

In most cases, blood type of the recipient AND donor are checked. In a case of extreme emergency, the recipient blood type may not be checked and they will receive group O NEG unmatched red cell transfusion.

What happens to a person who receives the wrong type of blood?

If the blood types do not match, you run the risk of toxicity.

If a person with type o blood can donate blood for transfusion to which blood types?

Type O blood is the Universal Donor so persons with Type A, B, AB and O can receive blood from an O donor depending upon presence of antigens. Type AB is the universal recipient of all blood types depending on the antigens of course.

Why does a person with type b can only receive type b or type o blood?

Because the anti-bodies present in type-A blood will cause the patient's body to fight against the alien transfusion. Type O blood contains no antigens, and can be given to other blood-types.

What blood type can receive only from its own type?

A person with type O blood can only get a transfusion using type O blood. Someone with type A or B blood, however, can get a transfusion with their own type blood or with type O blood, which is known as a universal blood type.