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Q: Can a peson receive money from the government for being short?
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Related questions

Who was the first person in the UK to receive an Easter egg?

the first peson in the uk of course

Who is Lewis Brandt?

he was the peson who invented the ute

What does an abolitionist do?

A abolitionist is a peson that is against slavery.

What does of endearment mean?

it means love for a peson

Who was the oldest peson to live?

Its god of course

Who was the first peson to spot a killer whale?

my mom

Who is the coolest peson ever?

Me duh

What does terms of endearment mean?

it means love for a peson

Who is the worlds smallest peson?

this very short guy in india!

Why is there different types of government?

Why are there different types of government? Because there are different people with different powers in the world. Different personalities, different likes and dislikes. It all boils down to this: What a peson/peoples believes about God and who they want to lead them in those beliefs.

Who was the first peson in space?

Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon.

Who is the smartest peson in the US?

Marilyn vos Savant with a 228 IQ