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Mice are social, so a single mouse can often get lonely and bored with his/her surroundings. It would be best if the mouse had a cagemate to interact with, but in the case of the death of a previous cagemate, then much caution should be observed when considering or seeking a replacement.

A good deal of time should also be given for the living mouse to morn, if they were attached to their old cage mate.

However, some people report having a single mouse through similar situations that seems just fine. So, it seems to depend on the mouse in question and whether or not they appear to get lonely some time after their cage mate dies.

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Q: Can a pet mouse survive on its own after its cage mate has died?
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If not removed from the cage, yes

How do you bred mice?

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Mice and rats will mourne for their cage mates when they have died. The best thing to do when this happens is to let the mouse or rat spend some time alone. Go about your normal precedures for sanitation and food and water (although they will not eat very much when they are like this) and eventually they will be back to their normal selves. Although I would not recommend getting them a new cage mate.

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It is often beneficial to get a new cage mate for a rat who has lost her only cage mate. Otherwise, she will often go into a state of depression.On a personal note, I had two female rats that were cage mates. One died in the cage due to an accident involving a cage decoration (a wooden house). The surviving rat became very depressed. She wouldn't eat, wouldn't socialize and just laid in her bed all of the time.I felt so sorry for her that I got her another cage mate and she immediately perked up and became "happy" again. I highly recommend getting a 2nd female rat as a new cage mate.

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Guinea pigs are definitley happier with a cage mate.

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Yes it will. :)

Will harvest mice mate with your pet mice?

Yes, they could. But they like to mate with their own kind. But some mice will do it. Mice are big on breeding. They will most likey do what ever it takes to mate with a female mouse. Have you ever saw houses invated by mice? If you have, there are HUNDREDS, maybe even THOUSANDS invading that house! But your pet mouse won't be mated because she will be in a safe place (in her cage/aquariam).

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in a cage

How does a mouse mate?

just like you and me.

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Yes, I believe they can.

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