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According to

"Women using the morning-after pill may experience a change in their next period. It may come early, on time, or be late. Most women will get their period 7 to 9 days after treatment. If your period has not occurred by 21 days after treatment, you should check this out with a pregnancy test."

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Q: Can a pills cause of delay of period?
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Is there anything you can eat to delay your period?

Pregnacy Pills ect.

How can you delay your period if you are not using birth control pills?

You can't.

What causes delay in period?

Many things can cause a delay in a woman's period. Stress, poor diet, and a lack of sleep can cause a delay. A serious illness can also cause a delay.

Can you delay your period for the month?

If you're on birth control pills you can delay your period by starting a new pack of pills during the 7 day break and continue taking these pills for a full month. But before you do this I would recommend you speak to your Doctor.

If I stared my sugar pills and it's been 5 days and I still do not have my period does that mean I am pregnant?

Is this your first month on the pills? If so and you had sex, maybe. If this isn't your first month and you took your pills everyday you should be ok. Stress, and other factors will cause a delay in a period starting.

Can cranberry pills delay your period?

no nothing can when it wants to come it will come lol

How soon can you start your birth control pills to get your period early?

Starting the birth control pill will not cause an earlier period. It will delay your period. Talk to your health care provider or pharmacist to clarify what you should do next.

If on birth control pills how can you delay your period for a week?

You can delay your period by continuing to take your pills. You shouldn't get your period when on the pill, hence the placebo week where you do. I've skipped my period before because I was going on vacation, if you're on the mono kind of pill it's really easy to do this.

How can you intentionally delay your menses?

One way is if you are on the birth control pill. Skipping the white pills (colors may vary) or blanks as we know it, will cause you not to have a period.

What will taking 2 extra birth control pills do?

Delay your period by 2 days.

Can 10 birth control pills at once delay your cycle?

Taking ten birth control pills at once is just goofy. It is not a normal approach to delay your cycle, and is likely to cause nausea, irregular bleeding, and other signs of hormonal imbalance. Talk to the person who prescribed your pills about more effective and safe approaches for delaying your period.

Will giving your daughter some of your pills allow her to skip her period?

No, the pills used to delay a period are slightly different. Take her to the doctor and explain why she wants them. Also it will mean you are short of pills, NOT a good idea.