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Yes in between atlas and axis lets you shake your head


I was just thinking that, though I thought a pivot joint would be a little more obvious.

its called the dens, and its on the axis

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14y ago
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11y ago

a pivot join would be where your radius and ulna meets your wrist. the spine is considered a gliding joint so in short the answer is no.

The first two vertebra are pivot joints.

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13y ago

I've never heard of "pivot joint," but, the hip is a Ball & Socket joint.

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9y ago

Typically the atlas vertebra pivot around the axis vertebra.

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11y ago

There are two vertebrae which form a pivot joint the Atlas (C1) and the Axis (C2). All of the other joints in the vertebrae are gliding joints.

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Q: Can a pivot joint be found in the spine?
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Type of joint found in your neck?

Pivot joint is the type found in the neck.

Where can the pivot joint be found?

the pivot joint is found in the neck and in the arm

What joint is found in our neck?

Pivot joint is found in the neck

What joint is found in the back?

Pivot joints are found in the spine at the first and second cervical vertebrae. Plane joints/gliding joints are also found in the posterior aspect of the vertebrae.

Where abouts is a pivot joint found in the arm?

There is a pivot joint found in the arm between the ulna and the radius. This joint allows you to turn your hand over. The only other pivot joint in the body is between the first and second cervical vertebrae.

What type of joint is found in your neck?


Why does the shape of the joint allows the neck to move?

The shape of the joint, called a ball-and-socket joint, allows for a wide range of motion because of its design. The rounded end of one bone fits into the cup-like socket of another bone, providing stability and flexibility for movement in multiple directions. This structure allows the neck to move freely in all directions, including rotation, flexion, and extension.

What is the type of joint is found in the neck?

The Pivot Joint. So you can turn it left and right.

What are examples of pivoting joints?

The best example of a pivot joint in the human body is the joint formed between Atlas and Axis (the first two vertebrae of the spine: C1 and C2); atlas rotates around the dens of axis. The elbow joint is a pivot joint. neck,knee,elbow

Type of joint found in neck?

The type of joint found in the neck is known as a pivot joint. This is what will allow you to move your head in all directions.

What is the type of joint of neck?

that would be the pivot joint

What is the comparison of the motion of a hinge joint to that of a pivot joint?

A hinge point opens or closes in one angle direction only. A pivot joint could angle in several different directions.A hinge in your home can be found at the door. When a person opens or closes the door, that is the motion of a hinge. A hinge joint in the body is the same way. You find a hinge joint in the elbow, the knee, and the lower jaw.A pivot joint is found between the first two vertebrae in the neck and allows you to shake your head "no" or look to the left or right. Another pivot joint is found in the wrist. When you turn your hand up to to accept a coin, you are using a pivot joint.