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While there have been some wingless "lifting body" experimental aircraft. All conventional airplanes get the the majority of their lift from their wings and cannot fly without them.

No. By definition, A PLANE is a fixed-wing aircraft. The wings are absolutely necessary for lift.

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No, wings are essential for generating lift, which allows a plane to fly. Without wings, a plane would not be able to overcome gravity and stay airborne.

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How do plains fly?

Planes fly by generating lift from the wings as they move through the air. This lift is created by the shape of the wings and the speed at which the plane is moving. Engines provide the necessary thrust to propel the plane forward.

What is the most important part of the plane?

The most important part of the plane is the wings, as they provide lift and stability during flight. Without wings, the plane would not be able to generate the necessary lift to stay airborne.

What elements are used to make planes fly?

Planes fly due to a combination of lift generated by the wings, thrust provided by the engines, weight of the plane, and drag caused by air resistance. Lift is primarily created by the shape of the wings and the air moving over them at high speed, providing the necessary force to keep the plane airborne. Thrust from the engines allows the plane to move forward, overcoming drag, while the weight of the plane is balanced by the lift generated by the wings to maintain altitude.

How can a plane fly using 3rd law of motion?

A plane can fly using the third law of motion by generating lift through its wings. As the plane moves forward, the wings deflect air downward, creating an equal and opposite reaction force that lifts the plane upward. This is based on Newton's third law which states that each action has an equal and opposite reaction.

How does wind help a paper plane fly?

Wind helps a paper plane fly by providing the lift needed to keep it airborne. When wind flows over the wings of the paper plane, it creates a pressure difference which generates lift, allowing the plane to stay aloft. Additionally, wind can help stabilize the flight path and add momentum to the plane.

Related questions

Do wings help a plane fly?

Without wings a plane wont go. You do realize that this is an extremely dumb question.

Can a goat fly without wings?

Yes, a goat can fly very easily without wings, just as you and I can. The only difference is that we get a seat in the cabin of the plane and the goat has to stay in the baggage compartment.

What can fly with out wings that is not a bird?

A plane

Can A PLANE fly with out wings?

No. By definition, A PLANE is a fixed-wing aircraft. The wings are absolutely necessary for lift.

What is the only mammal without wings that can fly but does fly?

i dunno the one without wings but i know that the one with wings is a bat! A flying squirrel is a mammal without wings.

What makes airplane fly?

Lift! The wings on a plane create an upward lift.

How the length of the wings effect the the planes flight?

It doesn't. Planes' wings are for aesthetic value only, which explains the various shapes and sizes. Theoretically, a plane could fly without any wings at all.

Where can you find the planes to fly in Grand Theft Auto 3?

you can't really fly a plane, persay. there is a plane at the airport that has no wings you can get in, but it doesn't fly.

What are dragonflies unable to do without their wings?

Dragonflies cannot fly without wings.

How do you use the word plane in a sentence?

"I stepped onto the plane." "The plane took off into the air." "Is that your plane?" Etc. :)

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How do you fly without jetpacks?
