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Q: Can a plant make food if one of the structures of plant is missing Why not?
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What are the little structures in a plant that make chlorophyll?

Chloroplasts make chlorophyll in plant cells.

Green structures found in many cells of plant leaves and stems?

They might be chloroplast, that helps the plants to make food when there is sunlight.

Where does a plant make its food?

the leaves make the plant's foodA plant makes it food in its vacuole

Do plant cells help make the plants make food?

Yes, plant cells do help the plant make food. There are certain cells in the plant that help the plant produce food.

What structures are found in plant cells but not in plant cells?

(does not make sense) please specify.

What happens to the left over food made by a plant?

If it is not used to make energy or structures, it is usually stored in the form of a polysaccharide (complex sugar) such as starch.

Does moss and mould make their own food?

Yes. Moss are plants and make their own food by photosynthesis.

What gas does a plant need to make food?

a plant requires CO2 to make food

Does a flower make food for a plant?

A flower cannot prepare food because the leaves are doing it, besides flowers do not have chloroplasts.

Is chloroplast one of the structures for an oraganelle?

Yes, chloroplast is one of he organelles in a cell but it is ONLY IN PLANT CELLS. It uses sunlight to make food for itself.

Where do plant make food?

the part of the plant that makes food is the leaves then it travals through out the plant.

Do the chloroplasts make food for the plant?

im not fully sure but I have a strong feeling it does make food for the plant