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Depending on what it is, yes. Driving with no licence or seatbelt, they can do nothing about IF IT IS ON YOUR PRIVATE PROPERTY. Sound violations, maybe.

You'd have to check your local area for specific information, but generally, police can do nothing unless they see a crime being committed such as assault.

As for drugs, the officer must see or have reason to believe there is something wrong. An officer is never allowed to enter a home without consent of the owner/resident or without a warrant.

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Q: Can a police in Ohio issue a citation on private property you?
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If not pulled over until on private property can citation be issued?

Officers of the law can issue citations anywhere, even on private property.

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Situation dependent, but it really comes down to their insurance company vs. yours... the police won't issue a citation on private property.

Do you get a citation if your insurance company finds you at fault for an accident in California?

Not if it happened on private property and generally speaking if you weren't issued a ticket at the scene of the accident you most likely won't get one later. The insurance company can't issue a citation. Only the police can do that.

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Yes. a officer can issue a citation in any location.

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The police will issue a citation to those whom are illegally parked.

Can a police office issue a ticket for not wearing your seat belt while on private property in Colorado?

As long as you are driving, yes!

Can police in MS issue citation on private property?

If the police officer has probable cause that a crime has been committed, they may take appropriate action to handle the situation, which includes issuing a ticket. Where this occurs is irrelevant.

What if the police will not issue a ticket when someone runs into your car on private property?

sounds like you might need a civil suit in small claims court.

You were in car accident yesterday at a shopping plaza a guy ran a stop sign and hit you The officer said it was illegal stop sign so did not ticket the driver at fault is this true?

Most traffic rules do not apply on private property so a police officer could not issue a citation. It may have a bearing on how the insurance companies settle the claims.

Is it illegal for a cop to hide on private property to issue a ticket in Michigan?

They can only do that if they have the consent of the property owner.

Can a police officer issue a seat belt ticket on private property in California?

Section 27315 (d)(1) of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) states, in part, "A person shall not operate a motor vehicle on a highway unless that person and all passengers 16 years of age or over are properly restrained by a safety belt." Under 360 CVC, a highway is defined as "a way or place of whatever nature, publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel. Highway includes street." So, if the private property included a place that was publicly maintained and intended for vehicular travel, then yes, an officer could issue a seat belt citation on private property.

What is a Citation generator used for?

I don't know what that is. If I had to guess, I would say that it is a small machine used by the police to issue any kind of citation when performing a traffic stop. I'm guessing they punch in the information of the individual who is being cited and it prints out the citation.