

Can a polydactyl cat get hurt esier?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can a polydactyl cat get hurt esier?
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Related questions

What unusual feature does a polydactyl cat have?

A polydactyl cat has six toes on each paw, or perhaps more.

What is it called when a cat has seven claws on it's paws?

A cat that has extra toes is a polydactyl.

What do you call a cat that has more than the usual number of toes?

If a cat has any amount of extra toes, they are polydactyl.

Are polydactyl cats smarter than average cat?

Polydactyl means having more than the usual number of fingers or toes. Most Cats have 5 digits on each paw. A polydactyl has extra digits, usually 6. Cats are not the only animal to be considered polydactyl. In fact people may also have more than 10 fingers or toes!

Names polydactyl cat?

Thumbelina, mittens, ernie (Hemingway owned over 60 of these cats), gene as in genedefect, and thumbs. Just some common ideas. I have a girl names Polly as in polydactyl.

What is a mitten paw cat?

That's another name for polydactyl cats (have more than the usual number of toes).

What kind of cat has 6 claws on the front paws and 2 different colered eyes?

An odd-eyed polydactyl.

Why do calico cats have six toes?

Like the person above said, a cat with 6 toes means they have a recessive gene that makes it called a polydactyl cat. Its just a cat with more toe's than the average cat. Calico's are just different. You can ask the same thing for humans, 'Why do some humans only have 11 pairs of ribs?'. It's just the way they are. PS To the person above, how did u know that recessive gene thing? Ever thought of being a doctor or a vet? I want to be a vet. That would be so awesome...

Can hissing hurt a cat?

when your cat hiss does it hurt them

Are polydactyl cats smarter that the average cat?

There almost certainly isn't a correlation between having genes for polydactyly and genes for intelligence.

Where is the Ernest Hemingway house what is the main animal attraction at the house and what makes that animal unique?

The Ernest Hemingway House is located in Key West, Florida. The main animal attraction at the house is the Hemingway cats, which are Polydactyl cats or six-toed cats. This genetic mutation makes them unique and they are considered good luck at the house.

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