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Q: Can a post be placed if doing a root canal without removing the crown?
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After root canal tooth cracked what has to be done?

well.. it depends.. if the crack was in the crown.. then a prep is done then a fixed crown is placed.. but if the crack extended to the root.. then the tooth will be indecated for extraction.

Is a crown always needed after a root canel?

Type your answer here..once a root canal is complete the nerve is removed. thus, no nutrients etc are able to feed to that perticular tooth. over time the tooth becomes brittle and prone to fracture thus a crown is then placed on it to prolong the "lifespan" of the tooth.

What is the cost of a crown and root canal in Canada without insurance?

The cost of a dental crown depends of the material of the crown (gold, porcelain fused to gold, or plain porcelain). The price is also different for conventionnal crowns or for crowns placed on implants. The price in Canada is between $900 and $1500, depending on which part of the country you live.

How do you do a root canal on a crowned tooth?

you go directly through the PBM/ crown it is later filled with a temporary material or a composite resin is placed back on it.

Can you lose a tooth easy after getting a root canal?

If you don't have a crown placed on a root canaled tooth, it could fracture or break resulting in the tooth having to be extracted.

What protects a root canal?

Once root canal treatment is performed, the patient must have a crown placed over the tooth to protect it. The cost of the treatment and the crown may be expensive.

Is replacing bonded tooth with a crown necessary to prevent root canal?

Is replacing bonded tooth with a crown necessary to prevent root canal?

Can a tooth that has a crown but no root canal hurt if the crown falls off?

yes it can

What you have to do once root canal treatment completed?

After you've completed root canal therapy, it is always best to have a crown placed on the tooth to avoid having it break or fracture. Failure to do this in a timely manner could result in eventual loss of the tooth.

What a crown is to as Chimney is to house?

A head. A crown is placed on top of a head, and a chimney is placed on top of a house.

Should your dentist crown a painful tooth which has an old white filling without taking an x-ray or seeing if you need a root canal?


What is a post after root canal?

After root canal therapy, the blood flow to the tooth is lost. Tooth will become brit tle, a post should be placed within 3 to 6 months to maintain integrity, and strenght. At this time the tooth will also need a crown also for strenght.