

Can a praying mantis kill a person if bit?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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no! thats a stupid question

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Q: Can a praying mantis kill a person if bit?
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Why won't baby praying mantis eat?

because it doesnt need to eat until it is a bit bigger

Are praying mantis harmful to humans if not are u sure?

Yes sometimes infact i got bit by one!!

Do praying mantis bit or sting?

They dont do anything to humans but for insects they bite and use its claws to eat it down.

Why do praying mantis look like they are praying?

because of their claws striping down their arms . and because they always have their arms next to eachother im sorry if i didn't help a bit D: .

How long can a praying mantis live without food?

An adult praying mantis can only go a day or two without food. Baby praying mantises can go a bit longer.

Does a baby praying mantis bite?

The bite of a praying mantis is not harmful to human as they are not poisonous. If a child is bitten by a praying mantis simply wash the area of the bite and reassure the child that they will be fine.

Can a praying mantis paralyze you?

You might experience a small "pinch" if a large mantis grabs you. Additionally, if the "spikes" on his forelegs land just right, you might end up with a small puncture which could bleed just a bit. None of this is generally significant as regards an injury.

What has four legs and files in the air?

Okay this may be cheating a bit but I do think I have an argument. The mantis fly. The first pair of its legs are so specialized that I believe we should no longer call them legs anymore but arms. Therefore four remaining legs and wings. So come to think of it. If we are going to suggest the Mantis Fly then why not include the Praying Mantis as well. It can fly.

My praying mantis has been acting strange lately she hasn't eaten for 3 days and shes been walking slow What is wrong with her?

Mantids become slow and weak and stop eating when they're going to molt. They act this way about three days, molt, then won't eat for another two. Some take a bit longer, some take a bit shorter.

Does a praying mantis grow into larva or a cocoon?

The animal you see is the adult, so no, they do not grow into a larva. The female lays eggs in the fall of the year. The egg case looks like a bit of foam, brown, about an inch across. In the spring, hundreds of baby mantids come out, and start hunting. They grow into adults.

Does the male praying mantis eat the female praying mantis?

"Placing them in the same jar, the male, in alarm, endeavoured to escape. In a few minutes the female succeeded in grasping him. She first bit off his front tarsus, and consumed the tibia and femur. Next she gnawed out his left seems to be only by accident that a male ever escapes alive from the embraces of his partner" Leland Ossian Howard, Science, 1886.

How do you help a person bit by a rattlesnake?

They need to be taken directly to a hospitol. Kill the snake and bring it with you for positive identification,