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Yes. I can write a python program that asks for your name and then prints "Hi, name, good to meet you." by writing the following program.


name = input("What is your name? ")

print("Hi", name + "," , "good to meet you.")

If I change the third line to

print("Hi", name + ",", "good to meet you. Your name is", len(name), "letters long.")

It will say "Hi name, good to meet you. Your name is xletters long.", thus making it a different program.

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Q: Can a programmer change a code line and make it a new program?
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What is different between interpiter and compiler?

in case of interpreter line by line checking is done, i.e. the interpreter takes each line of the program and checks it and if there is any syntactical error , it lists the error and goes to the next line after the programmer rectifies the error= in case of compiler , the whole program is checked at once and if there is any error , they are enlisted and has to be rectified by the programmer.=

What is the first line of every FORTRAN program and what does it tell the compiler?

The name of the program. For example: program sum ! This is a comment. Your program's code goes here... end program sum

A line of software code is called?

A line of software code is called a line of source code... Come on now.Source lines of code (SLOC) is a software metric used to measure the size of a software program by counting the number of lines in the text of the program's source code. SLOC is typically used to predict the amount of effort that will be required to develop a program, as well as to estimate programming productivity or effort once the software is produced.see:

What is java console?

The Java console is a display of output sent by a Java program. This is similar to the MS DOS operating system.To print to the console, a programmer will type "println(text);" or "print(text);" depending is the programmer wants to make a new line after the text(println) or not(print).

A new programmer whom you are training is writing a C program and wants to place comment lines in the program what characters should be used at the beginning and end of the comments?

if single line comment just place // before for single line comment else if multiple line denote as like this /*............................. ..............................*/ Strictly speaking, // is non.standard in C only in C++

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What are some uses for comment?

It helps to better uderstand the programs that is written in computer language. If for example you have a programmer X to write your program for your business and it happens that he has suddenly decided to discontinue with the work due to some problem and then you will have to hire another programmer Z to continue writting your program. And for this the programmer Z should know where X has arrived and therefore the comments aside the program code each line will define what the code line means. Hence, overall the comments helps to understand program codes as well as to find and correct errors found in the program.

What is different between interpiter and compiler?

in case of interpreter line by line checking is done, i.e. the interpreter takes each line of the program and checks it and if there is any syntactical error , it lists the error and goes to the next line after the programmer rectifies the error= in case of compiler , the whole program is checked at once and if there is any error , they are enlisted and has to be rectified by the programmer.=

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PHP is a programming language that stands for PHP Hypetextual Processing (recursive acronym). Technically PHP is just a program that lives on your computer which interprets code and executes PHP statements line by line. The PHP interpreter will execute changes to your computer or run-time environment based on the low-level instructions that the programmer issues.

What is the first line of every FORTRAN program and what does it tell the compiler?

The name of the program. For example: program sum ! This is a comment. Your program's code goes here... end program sum

A line of software code is called?

A line of software code is called a line of source code... Come on now.Source lines of code (SLOC) is a software metric used to measure the size of a software program by counting the number of lines in the text of the program's source code. SLOC is typically used to predict the amount of effort that will be required to develop a program, as well as to estimate programming productivity or effort once the software is produced.see:

What is a comment line and how is a comment line noted withing a file?

A comment line is a line (or block) of text added by the programmer to explain the function of certain code. Comments are commonly added to be later pulled out by software and create the code documentation. Comments are also added in places in the code where a programmer has done something that he/she believes to be difficult to understand, or when the code works, even if the programmer can't explain why (the call this a "hack.") These types of comments are called "implementation comments." How you denote comments varies from language to language. In Java and in C, a comment is begun with a /* and ends with a */. You can use this for both block and inline comments (implementation comments.) Java also uses a specific syntax for Document comments: /** * Doc comments. * Documentation engine will grab this block */ In JavaScript, block comments can be set aside with /* and */, while single line comments are started with //. Everything after the // in a line of code is ignored as a comment.

What tools do you use to change line spacing?

It depends on the program you are using.

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What is java console?

The Java console is a display of output sent by a Java program. This is similar to the MS DOS operating system.To print to the console, a programmer will type "println(text);" or "print(text);" depending is the programmer wants to make a new line after the text(println) or not(print).

A new programmer whom you are training is writing a C program and wants to place comment lines in the program what characters should be used at the beginning and end of the comments?

if single line comment just place // before for single line comment else if multiple line denote as like this /*............................. ..............................*/ Strictly speaking, // is non.standard in C only in C++

What are the names of 2 type of language translators?

Two types of language translators are: a compiler, which translates the entire source code into machine code before running the program, and an interpreter, which translates and executes the source code line by line.