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Q: Can a retired mayor in Ohio perform a marriage ceremony?
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Can a former NJ mayor legally perform wedding ceremony?

anyone can preform a marriage these days.

Do you have to have a preacher for your wedding ceremony?

No you do not have to have a preacher .First check with you states law when you get your marriage licence . But some of the people who can perform wedding ceremony are judge's, justice of peace, mayor, city clerk and notary public to name a few.

Is a marriage valid in the US if the couple was married in Paris France?

Marriages in Paris, France are valid in the US. In France, marriages must be performed by a French civil authority before any religious ceremony takes place. The mayor can authorize the deputy mayor or a city councilor to perform the ceremony in the town in which one of the parties to be married has resided for at least 40 days preceding the marriage. These requirements can not be waived.

Can a Texas mayor perform a wedding ceremony?

Yes - some ceremonies have taken place under water!

Can a mayor perform a wedding ceremony out of his town?

You're a f***ing idiot bro. THAT'S A TERRIBLE QUESTION!

Can a mayor refuse to perform a same-sex marriage in New York state?

A mayor is not required to perform marriages in New York State. However, if he does choose to perform marriages, he may not discriminate against same-sex couples. If a mayor does not wish to perform same-sex marriages, then he must stop performing any marriages.

Can you give me a sentence for mayor?

The mayor of the town presided over the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Does the mayor of the olympics host city pass it to the mayor of the next host city?

Yes, at the closing ceremony.

Does Mayor John Stromberg of Ashland Oregon support or oppose same-sex marriage?

Mayor Stromberg endorses same-sex marriage.

Does Mayor Jennifer Eckstrom of South Tucson Arizona support or oppose same-sex marriage?

Mayor West supports same-sex marriage and is a member of Mayors for the Freedom to Marry.

Does Mayor Jim Maley of Collingswood New Jersey support or oppose same-sex marriage?

Mayor Michael Bloomberg is an outspoken proponent of same-sex marriage and is co-chair of Mayors for the Freedom to Marry.

Does Mayor David Glass of Petaluma California support or oppose same-sex marriage?

Mayor Glass supports same-sex marriage and is a member of Mayors for the Freedom to Marry.