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Yes, but it has to be travelling at the MOON'S orbital velocity, which is quite a bit more than that needed for low earth or even geosynchronous orbit.

The faster one goes, the higher the orbit.

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Q: Can a rocket traveling at orbital velocity reach the moon?
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(Escape velocity) at least 7 miles ber second. Close-Orbital velocity is about 5 miles per second.

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No.Orbital Velocity is the velocity required by a body to achieve a circular orbit around its primary.Escape velocity is the minimum velocity needed to escape a gravitational field

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Escape velocity is the velocity that an object needs in order to reach infinite distance, wherein the force will equal to zero. Orbital velocity is the velocity of an object so it can stay in orbit.

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A rocket that doesn't reach "escape velocity" will be overcome by gravity and will be pulled back down to Earth. Also, rockets which go into orbit have not reached escape velocity. Escape velocity is what is needed to completely leave earth's gravity well.

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Exactly the same way it takes off from the earth. Gravity on the moon is so relativistically low that the propulsion required to reach an escape velocity is very very low compared to the earth.