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A saliva test may be available at your doctors office. It is claimed to have 99% accuracy, but I would question that high of an accuracy level.

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Q: Can a saliva test determine if you have HIV or AIDS?
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Can AIDS be transmitted by spit?

No, you can't get HIV from kissing or spitting. Exception is if the saliva has blood in it.

If you test negative for HIV can you still spread the virus?

No, aids can only be passed on through body fluids. IE Sperm, Saliva and also blood. How ever, to get aids from saliva you have to drink at least 9 litres of it so kissing is fine. So if your partner does not have aids you will not get it from that partner.

Can you kiss a person who has HIV and AIDS?

No you will not as saliva does not have enough virus in it to transmit.

Will you get aids from salivia?

No; saliva doesn't transmit the HIV virus.

Can saliva causes HIV aids?

Yes, but it would take an ENORMOUS amount of saliva to transmit the virus. Like a few hundred gallons.

Can you get aids from sharing a cocaine straw?

It is almost impossible to get HIV from using the same straw. Saliva will not transmit HIV. Blood would have to be on the straw for any possibility of transmission.

Can saliva transmit aids?

No, not unless theres a cut in your mouth.

Can you get AIDS from deep kissing?

Yes, saliva can transmit HIV/AIDS, but it is quite an uncommon occurrance. Blood and reproductive fluids are much better carriers and transmitters of HIV/AIDS.

What is the first test to determine aids?

AIDS is the syndrom manifested when the body has been infected by HIV. HIV positive with symptoms like TB and other opportunistic infections is called AIDS. As such, when an aggregate of infections and other symptoms is seen, an HIV test is oredered. There are quite a few HIV tests, all of which use the antigen-antibdy reaction to diagonise. A few commn ones are ELISA, capillus and determine tests.

How is HIV casued?

HIV does not refer to a disease, but a virus that in-turn causes the disease AIDS. HIV is transmissible via the blood and saliva.

Is aids transffered through silva?

HIV doesn't transfer via saliva.

Can you get aids by using a clean cup someone who has aids used?

HIV/AIDS is only transferred if it hits directly into your bloodstream. Not even saliva will transfer HIV/AIDS. If the cup is clean, no blood whatsoever, then you're safe.