

Can a seed grow in polluted soil?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Well, according to sience and plant-groth cycle, it proublaly can't, and if it CAN then it will be 100% that it wont grow as healthy…

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Q: Can a seed grow in polluted soil?
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Can plants grow on chemically polluted soil?

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Mung bean (monggo seed) grows best in loamy soil that is well-draining and nutrient-rich. While it can still grow in sandy soil, it may need extra nutrients and water because sand drains quickly and does not hold nutrients well. Adding compost or organic matter to sandy soil can help improve its fertility and water retention.

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the answer is to put the soil,seed and water and it will grow:>

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fertile soil

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A seed would grow better in water i did a science project on it.

Which will the seed grow faster in soil or sand?

In sand

How fast will a seed grow in backyear soil?

The answer to your question depends on what type of seed you are referring to.

How long does it take a seed to grow in organic soil?

It take no longer for a seed to grow in organic soil than it does in non-organic soil. It totally depends upon the amount of moisture, sunlight and nutrients that are available.

If you put a seed in your nose will it grow?

No, a seed will not grow in your nose. The conditions inside your nose are not suitable for a seed to germinate and grow into a plant. Additionally, seeds require soil, water, and sunlight to grow which are not present in your nasal cavity.

What does an acorn grow in?

Dirt / soil It's the seed of a (oak) tree.

What does a seed need to help it grow?

water, soil, proper sunlight