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The answer is "very probably, yes". To remedy neurological defects caused by a long-term vegetarian diet, I inject myself i/m every 2-3 days with 5mg of methylcobalamin (the neurologically-active form of B12) and take a further 10mg sublingually, daily. I noticed some time ago that the first couple of urine streams thereafter were a bright yellow - possibly derived from the cobalt in the vitamin. (Being a man, I am structurally organised to notice urine colour "in passing", as it were; a woman would, I imagine, have to set up a "wee" experiment!) I also (for the same condition) take 5mg of folic acid (which is orange/yellow) daily, and two "Strong Vitamin B Tablets". These latter contain a number of the B-Complex vitamins, some of which are also orange/yellow. I know that both of these medications colour urine, but I have also noticed that - as I have stepped up my B12 intake (and improved the "quality" - ie bioavalability - of it) the colour has deepened. All of the forms of B12 are a glorious carmine, so you would expect it to impart a pinkish or reddish tinge to urine. If you go to, and follow up the threads on B12 Deficiency (there's quite a lot), you'll find that pink urine colour does also get a mention.

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Q: Can a shot of B12 cause yellow urine?
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Related questions

Does cyanocobalamin make urine bright yellow?

Both cyanocobalamin (a form of vitamin B12) and vitamin B2 can cause bright yellow urine.

Can vitamin b12 injections cause urine to be pinkish or red in color?

I guess so. Because I just took a shot of it and my first urine came a little red. Actually pink. I read on the net and B complex vitamins seems to, in fact, change urine's color.

Is bright yellow urine harmful when taking a multivitamen?

The bright yellow color of urine after taking a multivitamin is harmless. It is caused by the excretion of excess vitamin B12. The water soluble vitamins are excreted through the urine when more is consumed than the body can use.

Is Gatorade made with urine?

Water, Cranberry juice, and Green tea can dilute urine. If you are taking a drug test or any test of some source to make urine more yellow take Vitamin B12 (it will make your pee bright yellow due to all the liquid you have consumed).

Is the B12 shot given in Honolulu?

yes, it is.

Why did Justin Bieber get a B12 shot?

B12 shots, give you energy. probably because he has to be pumped for concerts.

What is in a five hour energy shot?

vitamin b12

What time of day is best to take a b12 shot?

The best time of day to take a B12 shot depends on when the person takes it. Some people take it in the morning and some take it at bedtime. There is no set time to take the shot.

What is the difference between taking B12 pills and getting a B12 shot once a month?

Shots are more effective at delivering Vitamin B12. With pills the dosage needs to be higher.

How do you mask dillution in a piss test?

Take a lot of vitamin B12... B12 will make urine have a more darker, yellower hue. However be careful as B12 also increases your metabolism possibly to dangerous levels.

Which vitamins are excreted in urine?

Vitamins C, and B complex, excluding B12 and Vit A

Does bright yellow urine mean you failed a drug test?

no. bright yellow urine means you are dehydrated. which is a common symptom after you get high, that's why before a drug test u want to drink as many fluids as possible to flush through your system. which usually makes it clear. beer tends to work because it flushes your system quickly. -I have never heard of it meaning you are dehydrated, but I know for a fact it is the vitamin b12 leaving your body that causes the urine to be bright yellow.