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Not if the home is jointly titled and the other spouse/owner is not agreeable to the transfer/sale. Likewise, if the couple live in a community property state and the home was acquired during the marriage, then both of them have equal rights to the property even if only one person is named on the deed/title. Quit Claims are not the desirable method for transferring/selling of property as they can be easily disputed and they do not guarantee clear title to the person who is acquiring the real estate.

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Yes, a spouse can quitclaim ownership of their unencumbered home to the other spouse while still married. This transfer would give the receiving spouse full ownership rights to the property. It is important to consult with a legal professional to ensure all necessary steps are taken and to understand any potential implications of such a transfer.

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Q: Can a spouse Quit Claim ownership to their unencumbered home while they are still married?
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To claim something to which one has no right?

To claim something to which one has no right means trying to assert ownership or control over something that does not belong to you. This could be deceptive, unjust, or unlawful.

Can a joint property be seized for a judgment against only one spouse in the state of Texas Even though spouce signged quit claim deed before judgment?

In Texas, a joint property can still be seized for a judgment against one spouse, even if the other spouse signed a quit claim deed before the judgment. This is because Texas is a community property state, and joint assets are generally considered to be owned equally by both spouses regardless of individual financial obligations or actions such as signing a quit claim deed.

In India can a tenant stays in a rental house for more than 10 years. is he liable to claim that it his house?

In India, a tenant can stay in a rental house for more than 10 years, but he cannot claim ownership of the property solely based on tenure. The ownership of the property remains with the landlord unless a specific agreement or legal provision states otherwise. It is important to have a clear rental agreement to avoid any disputes over ownership rights in the future.

What rights do a surviving spouse have if not mentioned in the will?

The rights of a surviving spouse vary by jurisdiction, but generally include the right to claim a portion of the deceased spouse's estate, known as the "elective share." This ensures that the surviving spouse receives a minimum percentage of the estate, regardless of what is stated in the will. Additionally, the surviving spouse may also have the right to certain property or assets owned jointly with the deceased spouse. However, it's important to consult with a legal professional to understand the specific laws and rights applicable in your situation.

My now deceased husband was with Calpers Pension plan in Cal We were married but he didn't get the chance to write me down as his beneficiary when he died Can I collect benefits?

Yes, as his spouse, you may still be eligible to collect survivor benefits from the CalPERS pension plan if you can provide proof of your marriage. Contact CalPERS directly to inquire about the process and required documentation to claim these benefits.

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How do you give soul ownership of property to spouse?

Quit claim deed.

Can you quick claim property from your name to another person even though you are married?

You can quit claim your rights to the property. However, that doesn't quit claim your spouse's rights to the proprty. Once married the spouse in most states has rights to the property.

Can you claim your spouse as a dependent on your tax return?

No. If you're Married Filing Jointly, then you're allowed one personal exemption for you and one exemption for your husband. You can't claim your spouse as a dependent. Even if you're working and your spouse isn't, you can't claim your spouse as a dependent because you're allowed to claim two personal exemptions total for the two of you as a married couple filing jointly.

Can you claim your husband on your tax return?

If you're Married Filing Jointly, then you're allowed one personal exemption for you and one exemption for your husband. You can't claim your spouse as a dependent. Even if you're working and your spouse isn't, you can't claim your spouse as a dependent because you're allowed to claim two personal exemptions for the two of you as a married couple filing jointly.

Can the new spouse claim the child as an exemption?

If you are filing as married and the child's other parent does not claim them, or is disallowed from claiming them.

If one spouse's name is on the deed and mortgage does the other spouse have any rights of claim to the property?

If it's the primary residence, both spouses have equal rights of ownership regardless of whose name is on the deed or mortgage. Second homes or investment properties do not apply to this. The court assumes "tenants in common" ownership for any married couple regarding their primary residence. (there may be an exception in some states if the house was owned by one person before they got married, and now the spouse lives there too - ask a lawyer if that's the case)

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The condo was a gift to you so your spouse has no claim to it.

Do you have to get divorced?

If you don't want to be married anymore, and don't want your spouse to have a claim on your property and income, that is the usual route.

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The default tenancy on a deed to married persons in Florida is tenancy by the entirety.

How can i claim my husband as a dependent?

You don't claim a spouse as a dependent. If you are married you have only two option to legally file your taxes. These are Married Filing Joint and Married Filing Separately. Married Filing Jointly is where you file together and you don't file a spouse as a dependent but you still receive all benefits as if they were a dependent. You will get a higher Standard Deduction and get two exemptions plus any other dependents you may have. Married Filing Separately requires both of you to file the same way and each has to enter the other spouses social security number on their return. You can't file the spouse as a dependent this way.

Can your spouse claim you as a dependent if you did not work?

No not as a dependent. On the married filing joint income tax return the is an exemption on the 1040 tax form the same as the taxpayer.

Can you claim your wife as a dependent on your taxes if you file separately?

No. If you are Married Filing Separately, then you only can claim your personal exemption. Your wife's personal exemption only can be claimed by her if you're Married Filing Separately. Your spouse, whether filing jointly or separately, can't be considered your dependent.