

Can a spouse kick you out if you are on active duty?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Can a spouse kick you out if you are on active duty?
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No a spouse who is on parole can not live on a military base with their active duty spouse.

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To qualify for a VA loan, you must be a veteran, active duty, or the spouse of someone who died on active duty. You must live in the home you want a loan for, and have a steady income and good credit.

Can you be foreclosed on while spouse is in active duty?

Yes. Your spouse's status as an active duty military member does not protect them from foreclosure. There may, however, be some relief based on your unique circumstances. Contact your local VA office, and speak to a counselor. Also, if your spouse is the SOLE owner of the property (i.e. only their name is on the deed), then they have additional protection against foreclosure/siezure IF they are doing a combat tour (not just active duty). You should speak to the Base's legal representative, and find out what civilian legal protections are afforded to people on combat tours.

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Active Duty Service Computation just means the time you started active duty.

Can you join ROTC if your spouse is active duty and you have a child?

Yes, it is still possible to join the ROTC. Before doing so, you need to think about your child and who will be caring for them.

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Your status under the GI Bill, any of the incarnations of it, are dependent solely upon you, your time in service, and your status as relates to school.

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The primary duty in a marriage contract is the duty to be faithful to your spouse.

Is a divorce legal if husband was in Military and wife sued for divorce and lied about being a resident in Texas where she filed?

If the wife was on a Military installation as a spouse of an active duty member, and the husband is transferred or TDY , then she can file from Texas if he took her there, If you are the active duty military member , please seek counsel at Base Legal.

Does America still have paratroopers on active duty?

yes they still do there are many active paratroopers on active duty still to this day.

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The calling of soldiers into active duty is called MOBILIZATION.

Are you eligible to receive Unremarried Former Spouse benefits if you were divorced for 20 years and never remarried?

If the Active Duty or retired spouse has not been remarried fro more than ten years, I think yes. Contact Base Legal or Retiree Affairs.

What is the difference in active duty and inactive duty in the air force?

Active duty applies to a person who is in the Air force full time, it can also apply to a reservist who is performing active duty to meet his or her yearly obligation. Inactive duty usually applies to a member of the inactive reserve. They are not in a drill status, but could still be recalled to active duty.