

Can a star fall on earth?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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6y ago

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No. So-called "falling stars" are in fact meteors, which are tiny bits of dirt that burn up in the atmosphere, giving a streak in the sky giving the name "falling stars" or "shooting stars". An actual star getting near Earth would burn up the Earth. The nearest star to us is the Sun, at about 93 million miles away. There is no chance of it hitting us.

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No. The stars are far beyond any noticeable effects of Earth's gravity. The stars are also far larger and more massive than Earth is, so if Earth were ever to run into one it would be more accurate to say that Earth would fall into the star.

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simply put: no a star is about the size of our sun, maybe a bit(or a lot) larger or smaller, but if it were to collide with earth, our whole planet would be... absorbed and we would all die

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The phrase "falling star" is a misnomer. Stars do not actually fall (except celebrity stars). The smallest possible star dwarf's earth in terms of mass--if earth and a star were to ever collide, it would be the earth doing most of the falling. Tidal forces would then rip our planet asunder as it fell into any star. Also, the North Star (Polaris) is about 430 light years away. Meteors, so called "falling stars," are all tiny bits of debris swept up as earth orbits the sun--typically no more than a few light minutes from earth at their furthest distance from us.

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No, afraid not. The nearest star ... in any direction ... is about 278,000 times as far away from earth as the sun is.