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Its really a gamble to put any fish with a red eared slider , it depends how big the sucker fish is if it is small the turtle with probably eat it , you are supposed to let them grow up together i have a sucker fish with my red eared slider but they are baby's so they have not bothered it.

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Q: Can a sucker fish live with red eared slider if the turtle is 6 years old?
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What kind of turtle is a slider turtle?

A slider turtle is basically like a category of turtles including the Yellow Belly Slider Turtle and the Red Eared Slider turtle.

What species of turtle is best to buy?

the "red eared slider turtle" would be the best one because they can live up to 50 years!

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Turtle. Red eared slider turtles, live about 20 years and are just easier to take care of. Tortoises live 75 years and are harder

Can a red eared slider turtle live with ouachita map turtle?

I'm pretty sure. I've had a red eared slider and an Ouachita map turtle living together in the same tank for about... I don't know exactly... Maybe about 3 years? They are friendly toward each other (well, they aren't mean to each other) so I'm pretty sure they can be in the same tank. But my red eared slider did grow up together.

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our red slider turtle is 1 1/2 years old and she will eat 5 small goldfish at a time.

How long does a turtle live?

Some tortoises have been known to live over 100 years but the average turtle lives about 30 (red eared slider) to 80 (sea turtles and box turtles).

Is there any turtle or tortoise without salmonella poisoning?

Yes there are aquatic turtles that do not carry salmonella. One aquatic turtle that grows to be about 10 inches is the red eared slider tortoise. It also lives for around 50 years.

How can you determine a red eared sliders age?

if the red eared slider's shell is 15cm. it is 5 years old!

How old is my slider turtle?

56 years old.

How many years does it take for a red eared slider to be fully grown?

4500 years to be exact.

Turtle yellow and green found in fresh water pond?

Most turtles found in freshwater ponds that are yellow and green are called red eared sliders. In their younger years they have yellow in them but as they age they begin to lose their color. The red eared slider has a red streak behind its eyes as well...It could also be a yellow eared slider as well which doesn't have the red streaks behind the eyes, instead yellow.

How long does a red-eared slider turtle live?

Wild red eared sliders live about 20 years. Red eared sliders that live in an aquarium (that has a filter and a heater) can live up to 85 years. You always need to have a light for any aquarium turtle to rest in the "sun" or your turtle will not be that happy... I have one and is eight years so Turt has a long way to go.