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If the time was completely off and you can account for the time listed on the ticket, you can argue that the offense could not have taken place since you were elsewhere. However, this assumes that the prosecution does not have any other evidence (e.g. a tape of the encounter or witnesses) that would otherwise prove your guilt. If you're referring to a traffic ticket, it is best to simply show up to court and ask for lenency than it is to nit-pick the details of the ticket. Judges will often see this as immaturity on your part to accept the consequences of your actions. This WikiAnswer should not be a substitute for personalized legal advise. As always, it is best to consult with an attorney who can best assess your situation and provide you with answers that can best help you.

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Not if it is something minor, such as a misspelled name, transposed number, etc.

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Q: Can a ticket be dismissed if information was incorrectly entered by the officer?
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Neither may be required. If the officer's signature is required then the citation may be dismissed. You should contact the court listed on the citation for information .

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If the officer does not appear when required, the citation is usually dismissed. But the officer is not always required.

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The important question is whether the incident documented by the police officer actually happened. If it happened, and the officer merely made a mistake on the color of the car, you cannot get the ticket dismissed.

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== == You will have to attend on the "court date" and try to have it with-drawn, by the prosecutor, on the basis that the citation is "defective" it it's information. He/she may drop it, or may have the officer re-write another charge on the spot. It will be decided on YOUR past driving record, and YOUR attitude towards the officer at the time you were stopped.

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In most States the case would be dismissed and the officer reprimanded or maybe even fied.

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If the charge was dismissed, yes, they probably are eligible for commissioning.

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There is a slight chance the officer could keep their job, but they really shouldn't be able to keep their job or license.

What if an officer incorrectly writes on a ticket that you were going 39 in a 40 instead of 39 in a 30?

then you wernt sppeding....your lucky