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Typically a dentist will not do the procedure until the swelling goes down. The dentist will usually prescribe an antibiotic first, to help bring down the swelling and reduce any pain.

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Q: Can a tooth be extract if a gum is swelling?
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How long will the gum boil stay after getting a wisdom tooth out should there be swelling or soreness when eating and right behind where the tooth was is a gumboil why?

1 week.

Is it easier to remove wisdom tooth that is above the gum?

Of course it is easier to extract a visible tooth, however, any qualified oral surgeon could remove any tooth with confidence.

Your granddaughter has a purple bump on her gum Is this normal tooth cutting or could it be a blood clot or something to be concerned with?

It sounds like gingival hyperplasia (aka - gum swelling) that does usually precede the eruption of a tooth. No, this is not an entity to worry about. RBB, MD

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My wisdom tooth is erupting I can see half of the tooth, the other half is still behind gum and I to have pain and swelling, but no sign of infection. The tooth is straight, no decay and I am just riding out the pain taking paracetamol plus, aspirin or ibuprofen and codein

If you have very good dental hygiene and just got braces then what could cause gum swelling under one tooth?

Smoking, chewing - and the cancer that will result, Infection of the tooth or gum - perhaps an abcess Cavity in the tooth Some kinds of drug use Food caught between the teeth or between the gum and tooth Injury to the gum - like scratching it while eating a tortilla chip If it increases from "slight" it might means your tooth is about to fall out

Your tooth broke off at the gum?

tooth broke off at gum line

Can the back tooth cause swelling at the back of the head?

A back tooth can cause swelling at the back of the head. This is especially true if your back tooth is infected.

Does cracked tooth cause swelling on jaw?

tender tooth with swelling jaw means infection?

What to do if the gum next to tooth extraction site hurts?

You must rinse with water and salt. If the pain remains a few weeks after your dental extraction, or if you feel swelling, then you must consult your dentist.

What is part of the tooth above the gum?

The part of the tooth above the gum is the sulcus this is the neck of the tooth.

If the gum around one a wisdom tooth is a little loose but the wisdom teeth otherwise seem perfectly fine what should be done about it?

Quite often, a piece of gum tissue overlies the wisdom tooth which is partially through. Keep the area as clean as possible, otherwise attend your dental checkups as recommended so your dentist can keep it under observation. If the loose gum is causing you pain or severe irritation, then the wisdom tooth may need to come out, but it sounds unlikely from what you describe. There is no need to have wisdom teeth removed, unless they are causing problems such as pain, swelling, infection, decay in the tooth in front etc. Very often, the risks of wisdom tooth removal outweigh the benefits. Sometimes a wisdom tooth does not erupt completely, and creates an extension of gum called operculum. While eating and chewing on food, this operculum can be irritated and infected causing a pericoronitis. This condition has signs of intense pain, redness, a bad smell and a difficulty of opening the mouth. If the operculum does not go away, it is advised to extract the wisdom tooth to prevent complications of the pericoronitis. Under certain conditions, if the wisdom tooth has erupted, but an operculum is still present, it is possible to make an operculectomy, which is the removal of the extension of the gum itself without extracting the tooth.

What type of joint is found in teeth and gum?

You do not have joint between gum and tooth, The joint between the tooth and bone is called gomphosis.