

Can a torn aorta be repaired?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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Mu husband had a new heart valve replaced 8 yrs ago. His aorta has been stretching. Is there a minimal invasive surgery available he is 82 yrs. Old.

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Sometimes. If you survive until surgery...

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Q: Can a torn aorta be repaired?
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A defective swollen aorta can be repaired. This is a major surgical procedure.

Aorta is minimally tor?

This sounds like an aortic dissection, and should be taken care of asap. If you mean that your aorta is torn minimally. It can be repaired, but if left alone will cause death in the soon to not too distant future, depending on the size of the tear.

What is a torn aorta?

The aorta is the largest blood vessel in the body, and is responsible for distribution to smaller vessels within the body. A torn aorta many times, is a very severe medical condition in which the aorta becomes severed, hence causing major internal bleeding, and if not quickly corrected, ultimately death.

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A torn labrum hurt in hip area. You feel a pinching, burning, aching, throbbing pain. If you lay on the hurt side it hurts the most. Upon standing you feel pinching and it eases some. Hope this helps some. I had mine repaired, but it has torn again after 5years. Don't know if it can be repaired again.

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A dilated aorta is an aorta that is wider than normal. This is indicative of an aortic aneurysm, or a bulging of the aorta due to a weakening in the walls of the aorta. Aortic aneurysms are dangerous because they can cause the walls of the aorta to tear--aortic dissection--or rupture completely, leading to severe internal bleeding. Aortic aneurysms are repaired with surgery, but can sometimes be monitored to avoid or delay surgery. Because of the life-threatening risks associated with aortic aneurysm, medical consultation should be sought.

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Having a torn retina is bad for your eye, regardless of what you're doing. You should have it repaired immediately. They do not get better on their own, and they can get much worse if ignored.

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"Separating aorta" might refer to an aortic dissection. An aortic dissection is a life-threatening aortic condition in which the inner layer of the aorta is torn. This causes blood to collect in the space between the two layers. This blocks blood flow, causes the tear to enlarge and weakens the outer wall of the aorta, which can lead to this wall rupturing. Medical attention at a center specializing in aortic disease should be sought immediately for suspected aortic dissection.

If you dislocated your elbow and have torn ligaments do you need surgery?

Only your doctor can advise you on this. You may need to have the ligaments surgically repaired to get full (or most) function back.