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Q: Can a towns water supply conite with sulfur before a volcano erupts?
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What did the gang of girl pirates do to pliny?

Pliny the Elders dies and the children mourn children mourn him. Pliny dies because of the sulfur after the volcano erupts.

What erupts from IO the moon on Jupiter?

Sulfur Volcanoes

Where could you find sulfur?

in a volcano

What does sulfur dioxide indicate about a volcano?

Sulfur dioxide can indicate many things. For one example, if the smell and amount of sulfur is strong amongst the humans, animals or plants there is more of a chance of a volcano erupting, but if the sulfur is not so heavy amongst the people animals and plants, then it is less likely for the volcano to erupt.

Why do you smell of sulfur?

Because I live near a volcano.

What can you smell wen a volcano is burning?

It will be sulfur mostly that you smell

What can sulfur from a volcano be used for?

To vulcanize natural latex rubber.

When volcanoes erupt what erupts along with lava?

sometimes it can be sulfur and other times it can be pyroclastic material. It all differs by the type of volcano.

Is sulfur dioxide emitted from a volcano?

Volcanoes often emit a harmful gas called sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide is an air pollutant. It causes acid rain.

What are the materials in volcano?

volcano spews lava,volcanic gases(carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, hydro gas and methane), volcanic stones(basalt, granite),sulfur, vapor, volcanic ash and Sedimentary Rock.

What instrument would you use to measure the amount of sulfur dioxide coming out of a volcano?

correlation spectrometer

What are the gasses that make a volcano?

A volcano is made of rocks, not gasses. Gasses commonly emitted by volcanoes include water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide.