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There is no such thing as an unnaturalized citizen

A natural-born US citizen is someone who was born in the USA.

A naturalized US citizen is someone who was born somewhere other than the USA, but chose to become a US citizen. (This person applied for citizenship, lived in the US as a law-abiding citizen for the required number of years, passed the test, took the oath, and was sworn in as a naturalized citizen with the rights and responsibilities as a natural-born citizen.

A naturalized-citizen can run for any office except President of the United States.

The president must be a natural born ciitizen.

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What can US citizen do in America that non citizen can do?

Vote or hold public office, such as President of the United States.

What can a US citizen do in America that a non-citizen cannot do?

Vote or hold public office, such as President of the United States.

What can a US citizen do that a non-US citizen cannot?

Vote, hold public office, drive (in nearly all states), etc.

What party was it that was against allowing immigrants or naturalized citizens to hold public office?

The Know Nothing ( American) Party was anti-immigration in the 1850's.

Can Alien hold office?

They cannot hold (public) office.

A naturalized American citizen is still Mexican?

Yes; Mexican and American laws allow for a person to hold dual citizenship.

Can a naturalized citizen buy a gun?

Yes. In fact, as a naturalised citizen, I own several, and hold a Federal Firearms Licence. You can actually buy one without being a citizen, as a matter of fact.

What are the rights of a person who is not a U.S. citizen and has a child?

All the same rights as a US citizen, except he/she cannot vote or hold public office. If he/she is in the US illegally, the application of those rights can vary somewhat.

What is the one limit on naturalized citizens when compared to natural born citizens?

They are not able to run for President, or hold the office of President.

What is one thing a naturalized citizen cannot do?

The president. Any office deemed at law and/or by the Constitution to which citizens not deemed "born Americans" are ineligible. These include those of President of the United States and, of course, Vice President of the United States.

A person must be a US citizen by birth to hold the office of?

A person must be a US citizen, by birth, to hold the office of president. President Barack Hussein Obama has avoided many questions about his place of birth.