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Yes, Swine Flu (H1N1/09) is just one type of virus that gives you influenza, there are many other influenza viruses that would have the same or very similar symptoms.

Other viruses that are not flu viruses can make you feel as bad as swine flu, but the way they make you feel bad and the parts of your body that are most affected by each different virus will vary.

Some examples of other conditions caused by viruses are:

  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Chicken pox
  • "Stomach Flu" ~ Viral Gastroenteritis
  • The "Common Cold" ~ Rhinovirus

But there are many. See the related question below about how to protect yourself from viruses.

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14y ago

With swine flu you have fever, headache, body .ache, loose motions

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Q: Can a virus make you feel bad just like Swine Flu?
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Pictures of Swine Flu?

Just go to a image search engine like Google Images and type in Swine Flu or Swine Flu Virus.

What does the swine flu outbreak look like?

Here's a photo and info of the actual virus: Kathy

Would you have swine flu if you were nice to pigs?

Ive never met a virus that I didnt like

When did the swine flue break out?

In the summer of 2009 in Mexico. It was called the swine flu because it was first found in swine. Although pigs can have it, they do not create or spread the virus unaffected, like humans. The virus actually comes from birds, as it is actually a strand of the avian flu. It should be treated like the normal flu, because quite frankly, that's what it is. The media fear-mongering has been just a way to sell more product-they do it all the time.

Why do you feel like vomiting after last day of period?

If you feel like vomiting after the last day of you period, you may just have a virus. There should be no reason to vomit just over your period.

How do you feel about Swine Flu?

i do not like that the h1n1 is out and people are doing bad things.

What is swine plague?

The swine plague is also called hog cholera and swine fever. It is a contagious disease that affects hogs and causes symptoms like fever, lesions, and seizures. This disease is caused by a virus belonging to the Pestvirus genus.

What infectious agent is involved in Swine Flu?

"Swine flu" is a viral infection of swine (pigs). There is evidence that this virus is the same that infected humans in the 1918 pandemic. It has been labeled the N1H1. There has been controversy that the flu now is a variant of this 1918 flu. We are not sure where it started: pigs or humans? "Swine flu" H1N1 virus produces similar influenza-like illnesses. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue and some diarrhea and vomiting. The present H1N1 virus is not zoonotic swine flu, as it is not transmitted from pigs to humans, but from person to person.

How do you feel when you get the swine flew?

you feel miserable, sick, downright its pretty much like the regular flu

What is housing and shopping like in Mexico?

The housing is currently quite cramped, as everyone is having to stay indoors because of the Swine Flu virus. However, the shopping is brilliant, the shops are just empty.

Is The Virus From Mexico City In Mexico?

Update: No. Currently there are more cases of swine flu in other countries - the US, Argentina - that there are in Mexico. Mostly, yes, the swine flu is just in Mexico. There have been under 10 cases in the US. And they have been in Texas and California. Just in the areas near the border though, like San Diego.

Does the current Novel H1N1 Swine Flu contain elements of avian flu?

Yes. It does contain genetic material of Avian Flu in addition to three types of swine flu and also human flu viruses. (Avian flu is also called "Bird Flu"). When a virus mutates like this one did in pigs with five different genomes in the virus, it is called a quintuple reassortant (also known as reassortment) virus.The three types of swine flu genetic material in the A-H1N1/09 pandemic flu are American swine flu, Asian swine flu, and European swine flu.