

Can a whale shark grow back skin?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can a whale shark grow back skin?
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no acshally it is bullet pruff vests used to be made of whale shark skin

Why can a shark whale's body compact under sea?

A shark whales body will not be compacted under water because the density of its skin is to hard, this is why sharks like The Great White and Tiger shark do not attack the whale shark.

Are whale sharks whales?

no Whale Sharks are large fish in the shark family. Whale sharks are actually not whales. Even though they can be as long as almost two buses they are sharks. They can't hurt you like some other sharks can because they don't really have any teeth. What makes them sharks? Well, they breath out of their gills instead of through a blow hole. They have rough scally skin like sharks and they also lay eggs.A whale shark is a shark, the largest living fish in the world, yet it is a filter feeder.Even though it doesnt have the same diet as a shark, it is a shark.its a shark but is named a whale shark for its large stature and feedingIt's a shark. The only thing it got in common with whales is its size.A Whale Shark is a fish and a member of the shark family. It is called a Whale Shark because the grow to very large size.

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No hermit crabs do not grow back skin

what gives a whale shark its yellowish skin?

Extraction from the animal, leaving the liquid oil, of a clear yellow color.

Is a whale shark a mammal or shark?

You may wonder why this fish is called a whale shark. Scientists have determined that it is a species of shark, because of its skeleton (composed entirely of cartilage), and its tough, leathery, scaleless skin. People called it a whale shark because of its enormous size (like a whale), not because it's a type of whale. A whale is a mammal; a warmblooded creature that has lungs and breathes air, gives birth to its young and nurses them with milk produced by mammary glands. A shark is a fish; it "breathes" its oxygen by passing water over its gills. But no a Whale Shark is not a mammal because it it both half and half warm blooded so it is not a mammal.A whaleshark is not a mammal. They are one of the largest types of sharks, whale is in their name because of their size, although they aren't related to whales.

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Name the inventions inspired by animal such as blue whale?

Gecko Tape - Tape that has tiny hairs on there fingers like the geckos do to make them capable of walking up walls, etc Shark Skin Athletic Clothing - Shark skin has the least amount of drag so they made swimsuits for olmypics and such that are made out of the same material that shark skin is.

Can you eat shark skin?

Can one eat cook shark skin

How long does it take to grow back break skin on your hand?

It takes about a month for a news layer to grow back

Can you eat cooked shark skin?

Can one eat cook shark skin

What are the major differences between a whale shark and a blue whale?

whale sharks have distinctive white spots in their heads, and blue whale are considerably bigger then. And I think blue sharks are more aggresive than whale sharks . _ The blue whale is the largest mammal on Earth. The underside of its flippers are almost white, while the rest of its body is blue grey. The average blue whale is 75 to 80 feet long and weigh up to 110 tonnes. Females are larger and can weigh up to 150 tonnes.The whale shark can be grey, blue or brown with white dots and light vertical stripes over its entire body. Their mouths are located in a terminal postition and can be opened wide to filter water for small fish, squid, crustaceans, and other plankton organisms. The whale shark is related to the nurse shark, and therefore has relatively small eyes, spiracles and barbels.------- A: The Whale Shark (Rhincondon typus), the largest of the sharks, is a member of class chondrichthyes; cartilagenous fish. In most sharks, the only actual "bones" are the denticles on the shark's skin and, in toothed sharks (not the WHale Shark), the teeth. The endoskeleton is cartilege. Sharks aren't warm blooded. The Whale Shark, like the Blue Whale, are both filter feeders. Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus), on the other hand are class mammalia--- they're mammals, as we are. They are warm blooded, have hair, bear and nurse their young alive. As with all Mysticetes (the sub class), they are filter feeders. So, in summary, whales and shark, including the Whale Shark and Blue Whale are taxonomically radically different, starting and Class, and only come together under phylum which, for both, is Chordata. A: A whale and a shark can not come from the same family but they can be similar.they both eat meat, they both stay with there family, and they both hunt for food.