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Simple answer is yes since everyone is free to make their own choices. The Biblical counsel should be taken into consideration however since there are a number of scriptures and principles that are brought to bear on the matter. For example:

1 Cor 7:29 - "...marry only in the lord."

2 Cor 6:14 - " not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers."

The Isrealites were instructed not to marry outside the nation. In addition, the patriarchs sought suitable wives from those that followed God.

In the modern day congregation, one that did marry "outside the lord" could be subject to certain sanctions. For example, an elder, ministerial servant or pioneer would not be qualified to serve in that capacity. Disfellowshipping is not a situation that would arise however. An appointed person may also face lose of service privilages if they supported the wedding of someone marrying outside of the lord. No wedding could take place in the Kingdom Hall.

There is clearly benefit in a married couple sharing a common outlook and focus, especially if children come along. There are many other benefits to heeding this counsel however it is the individual's choice and ultimately it's how they it will affect their relationship with Jehovah that counts.

There is plenty of information on this matter in the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses so for more help seek out the Witnesses locally.

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Q: Can a witness marry someone not of that faith?
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