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i believe it can be, but it is best to read the instructions that came with the wok.

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Q: Can you use a wok on an electric stove?
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Yes, you can use a electric stove. Just place it on top.

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An electric stove uses Alternating Current to operate.

What is an electric wok?

It's much like an electric skillet or an electric teapot, you can plug it in. Most woks use heat from a gas stove or an electric sotve and they have a ring to balance to wok on. An electric was has a built in heating unit and doesn't need an external heating source. Electric woks are usually stainless steel and are seasoned like convential woks. If you are planning and doing a lot of cooking in a wok then go convential and get a good one. Learn the proper way to season, cook and care for the metal and it will be the only wok you need. Plus it is a showy way to cook for entertaining. If you just want to cook with it occasionally than a good electric one is all you need. For images of the two use a search engine like Google and type in wok. An electric wok is an instrument used to stir-fry vegetables, meat, and other items. It resembles a large shallow bowl and has a lid. When you plug it in, the bowl becomes hot enough to cook food.

What type of energy does a electric stove use?

An electric stove uses the Potential Energy of electricity and transforms it into Thermal Energy.

What is the best kind of wok if you have a gas stove?

Go to an ethnic grocery store in your area. Buy a burner grid to fit a wok. Then buy a wok. You will get the best prices at these stores.

How does a electirc stove work?

how does a electric stove work???????????? how does a electric stove work????????????

Can I clean an electrick wok in the dishwasher?

Common sense dictates that you would not clean an electric wok in the dishwasher because the electric element would be ruined. Even if it weren't destroyed, it would no doubt be unsafe to use after exposing the element to water.

Where is the resistor in an electric stove?

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What are the disadvantages of a wok?

The wok is a venerable vessel handed over to us from the Chinese, and it's a versatile and easy tool to use.The only disadvantage is that electric stove tops are not well suited to wok cooking because the flat electric burner does not transfer heat well to the round bottom of the wok. The flat bottomed woks designed for electric stoves help, but then do not cook the same as the traditional round bottomed woks. Luckily, if you have an electric stove it is easy and inexpensive to get a single burner portable gas burner like the 'Burton' units for you wok.If you have a huge wok (bigger than 14 or 16 inches in diameter) you will need a lot of heat to cook in it properly - just as you would for any huge sized cooking vessel.Actually...It depends on what kind of wok you're asking about:Teflon covered woks are terrible -- you can't use them with high enough heat (food burns and the chemicals leach out of the teflon), and they get scratched.Carbon steel are great. Some are made with a single sheet of steel, and these are tougher to use without burning the food. The double-sheet is heavier and much more consistent. The best is a hand hammered carbon steel wok. Seasoning using the salt seasoning method is very very easy.Cast iron comes in two type -- the Chinese version is thin and probably the best by most criteria. The Western version is much thicker/heavier, which makes it hard to pick up and toss food with (you need to use a utensil, which isn't the classic way to do it). Also, because it's so heavy, the wok takes a LONG time to heat up and to cool, which is just inconvenient unless it's in a restaurant/catering scenario, where it's running long-term.The wok cooking site at foodly wise explains all about seasoning a wok and caring for a wok - it is very easy. quick answer: the only disadvantage is to a wok is if you have no gas stove! Otherwise, there are none!

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How do you season a wok?

If you have an electric wok or a non-stick wok, you do not season it.If you have a traditional carbon steel wok or cast iron wok, then you need to season it.The best way to season a carbon steel wok or a cast iron wok is to use the so-called 'salt seasoning method'. It is discussed in detail (along with other ways to season or re-season a wok) at: you do not season a new carbon steel or cast iron wok food will stick to it and you won't be able to cook in it.

What is the temperature range of an electric wok?

Most basic electric Woks temperature ranges are 150-400 degrees F. Electric woks are a very convenient means of cooking foods at high temperatures. The range of methods of cooking that can be employed is simply staggering from baking, deep frying, stewing, roasting and steaming. This is all due to the wok electric an electric hotplate which can be finely tuned to the right temperature. The high sides of a wok make boiling extremely easy. Electric Woks come in 2 different types; non stick and stainless steel.Electric woks manufactured from stainless steel are extremely easy to clean if you use the right amount of oil in the cleaning process. Most will come with instructions on how to "season" your wok which will make your electric wok last a life time. A slight drawback to non stick is the in ability to use anthing metal while cooking.