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yes its the sperm that does the job not the action

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Q: Can a woman get pregnant if she puts a mans sperm in her vagina her self?
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Can a woman get pregnant by a man an another mans sperm take over?

No. Once the sperm is in the egg no other sperm is allowed in.

How do you have children?

You'll have children when a man and woman have sexual intercourse. When the mans sperm fertilizes the females egg and the woman is most likely to become pregnant.

Will you become pregnant if penis is not washed after sex it is only wiped with cloth and after an hour it is is rubbed on vagina?

Guys/boys cannot become pregnant so it does not matter what happens to their gentile area. If you are a woman who gets the mans sperm or seaman into your body, then you will most likely become pregnant and can not just "wash it out after sex".

Can you get pregnant if the guy pulls out and there is no pre-ejaculate around you?

during intercourse a man excretes 'precum'. This is simply the prerequisite of a mans ejaculation of his sperm into a womans vagina. The precum does have sperm and you can most definitely get pregnant from even small amounts of sperm. It only takes one to win the race!

Can a woman in menses get pregnant if she eats mans sperms?

if a woman in menses eats mans sperms she won't get pragnent

How is a baby concieved?

Generally, a man and woman will have sex. When the man becomes sexually aroused, or "turned on" his penis will become hard; when a woman is aroused, she usually feels wet and becomes a bit looser. The man puts his penis in her vagina; when he orgasms or ejaculates (although it is possible to get pregnant even if he doesn't) millions of microscopic sperm in his ejaculate basically swims up the womans vaginal canal. When sperm meets with one of the womans eggs and fertilizes it, a baby begins forming. A sidenote: sex is not necessary; if a mans sperm touches even the surface of a womans vagina, it's possible for her to get pregnant. Hope I helped!

Can a mans kidney stone stop a woman from getting pregnant?

No it can not.

Is it true when the women is pregnant it also affects the mans body to?

It will not effect the mans body when a woman is pregnant. Many times men do get sympathy pains with their pregnant wives.

Can a mans prenut get a girl pregnant?

Yes, all it takes is one sperm and you will have a bundle of joy.

Can you get pregnant without a mans spurn?

If you mean "a man's sperm" then no, you can't. But you don't necessarily have to have sex with a guy to get pregnant because these days there are medical procedures you can go through if you want to get pregnant...but sperm is still involved with that.

When a egg is fertilized with a mans sperm in a test tube and then inserted in yet a different woman's uteru's who's DNA will the fetus have?

The womans DNA that the egg came from and the mans DNA that the sperm came from.

Can you get pregnant if you empty your mans sperm out a condom?

once it hits the air usually 80% die off.