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The womans DNA that the egg came from and the mans DNA that the sperm came from.

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Q: When a egg is fertilized with a mans sperm in a test tube and then inserted in yet a different woman's uteru's who's DNA will the fetus have?
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Where is the zygote in the human body?

what do you mean by out side. you mean when an egg is fertilized outside of the womans body or did you mean the path the zygote takes once its formed? the zygote inside of a woman is fertilized for about 3 days and latches onto the uterus and then becomes an embryo.... if you mean by a sex clinic (fertilization clinic) its fertilized by a sperm donor and on a petri dish and it fertilizes. theres more than one egg due to the fact not all might make it. then when the egg is fertilized the put it back in the womans uterus and then again it becomes an embryo and latches onto the uterus :P hope that helps-

Where do the egg cells travel through in the womans body?

Egg cells will travel through the Fallopian, or uterine, tube to the uterus where it will implant if it was fertilized.

What is a womans period?

A woman's period is what happens when a females uterus has one or occasionally two eggs that is not fertilized by a male in a certain amount of time. The egg must come out, so the egg comes out with a bit of blood. How you get it fertilized by a male is through sex.

Where did baby come from?

The womans uterus, or vagina (not trying to be funny)

Where baby come from?

The womans uterus, or vagina (not trying to be funny)

Briefly outline the steps in a womans menstrual cycle?

During a woman's menstrual cycle, she will begin to ovulate. During ovulation, the ovary releases an egg. If the egg is not fertilized, it will continue to make its way down into the uterus. The uterus will begin to shed its lining since it is not needed. The lining of the uterus and the egg will be expelled from the vagina. This step of the menstrual cycle is what is refered to as the period.

What colour is the inside of the uterus?

Inside is red, due to the womans periods once a month

Can you artificial insemination after tubal ligition?

Yes, Tubal ligation only prevents a womans own egg from reaching her own uterus naturally. Her eggs can be retrieved by a physician and fertilized artificially (test tube fertilization)and then implanted in her uterus to obtain a normal pregnancy.A donors egg could also be used. This is of course barring any other medical problems with her reproductive system.

What form does sperms come out of the lady?

dead because women don't produce sperm. if sperm is not fertilized with womans egg it dies.

Where's the fallopian tube in a womans sex cells?

The fallopian tube is on the other side of the uterus in a woman's sex cell.

Can you get prengant without ovulating?

Technically you can get pregnant without ovulating. Without an egg there can be no pregnancy, however you don't have to be the one that produces the egg in order for you to get pregnant. If a woman doesn't ovulate then she will not produce an egg to be fertilised, however a woman can use another womans egg with IVF and the zygote that results from this can then be inserted in the woman's uterus.

Is a black womans vagina warmer than a white womans?

It is no different at normal activities in temperature.