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The Catholic divorcee must receive a declaration of nullity (a process to determine whether the marriage was invalid from the very beginning). If the divorced Catholic is granted a declaration of nullity then that person was never validly married and may contract marriage. Talk to your Diocesan Tribunal to get the process started.

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if you are a catholic convert, it should be no problem.

the most important thing to do though is go to church and just tak to your priest about it

ANSWER: Again, though, you will still need to deal with/resolve your 1st marriage through the annulment process before you will be permitted to marry in the Catholic Church. Without an annulment of your 1st marriage, you are still married before God, in the eyes of the Church. . .so technically, w/out an annulment, you'd be committing bigomy (in secular terms) by marrying someone else.

God does not recognize Caesar's divorce (the civil state/authority). Likewise, the STATE would not recognize a mere Catholic annulment either. You must be divorced, civilly too. If you failed to do that -- even obtaining an annulment in the Church -- you'd be committing bigomy according to state law. "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's."

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Q: Can a woman who has converted to being a Catholic and is a divorcee marry a Catholic in Church?
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