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Q: Can a woman with ruptured uterus that is repaired still conceive?
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A ruptured or "squished" testicles, can cause infertility (sterility) if medical attention isn't provided immediately. Ruptured testicles can sometimes be repaired, if immediate medical attention is provided. If one testicle is ruptured beyond repair, it is still possible for the male to have children, because males are equipped with two testicles. But, if both are ruptured beyond repair, the male, will become infertile (sterile).

Can you still conceive when you're ovulating?

yes that's when you conceive... ovulating is the release of your egg.

Do you still have your uterus after a hysterectomy?


Can you still have a baby when you do not have your uterus?

The baby is enclosed inside the uterus, that is where it gets it nourishment and where the egg attaches to! No uterus... NO BABY.

Why do you have a period when your on birth control?

The hormones don't prevent ovulation or conception. The lining of your uterus is still enriched with blood, but the hormones trick the body into not allowing the zygote to implant. That's if you did conceive that month. The zygote is in effect immediately miscarried. If it's an egg, it also does not implant. After no implantation, your body flushes the egg (or zygote) and also the lining of your uterus. You have a period.

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Should you receive hepatitis vaccine while trying to conceive?

Yes, you can still receive the hepatitis vaccine while you are trying to conceive. It will not interfere with your menstrual cycle or the ability to conceive a child.

If Uterus is removed is sexual intercourse possible?

The uterus can go; the vagina is still there, so the answer is, yes.

If a woman has irregular period will she still be able to conceive?


If your tubes been cut out can you still conceive?

Not naturaly,

High uterus can you still get pregnant?

Yes you can.

Do you can consive still after feeling simtoms of pregnansy?

A woman cannot conceive while she is pregnant, but if the symptoms of pregnancy are false and she is not pregnant, she could conceive.