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Yes -- a woman's cycle can be affected by many things and it can be as short as a couple weeks long, or it can be months between periods. Stress, ovarian cycsts, breastfeeding, nutrition, hormonal imbalance and other health issues can all affect how long a woman's cycle is. The cycles of this writer are 65 days long (from day 1 of her period to the first day of the next) because of ovarian cycsts. If your cycles are unusual, mention them at your next doctor's appointment. If you're in pain, though, and have bleeding in between periods or heavy bleeding (soak through a pad or a tampon in an hour) please make an appointment to see a doctor as soon as you can to rule out treatable problems.

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Q: Can a womens period be longer than 28 days if so how long?
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How long is a womens period?

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No you can be on your period for up to 3 to 7 days but if your on any longer than seven days you should be sure to go get checked out by the doctor this can also be caused by stress .

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Yes as long as the discharge does not smell bad or worse than your period and should only last a couple of days. If longer than two days go to the doctor.

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The average menstrual period is around 5-7 days in length, and can very a little from cycle to cycle. As long as your period doesn't go over 14 days it's fairly normal, if it does go longer then see your doctor.

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Not at all! It's normal to have a longer heavier period but like 2-3 days longer. You need to go to your doctor ASAP!

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How long is to long to have your period?

14 days

You started your period today how long will it last?

Most women have a period that lasts anywhere from five to seven days. Now there are exceptions to this. Sometimes they will last as long as ten days, and I've heard of really lucky women who's period only lasted three days. But the average is between the five and seven day range. If your period lasts longer than ten days, say 13-14 days you probably should call your Dr. That is a long time, and if you do this on a regular bases, it can be hard on you physically and emotionally.

Is ten days to long of a time to have a period?

Yes, ten days is too long for a period. Period duration can range between one day and eight days with an average of 3-5 days.