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A written statement can be typed or handwritten, depending on the specific requirements of the situation. Both forms are typically accepted, but it is always best to verify the preferred format with the relevant party or organization.

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Q: Can a written statement be type or does it have to be hand written?
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Does a statement have to be typed and signed or hand written by the arresting officer?

The statement can be typed and signed instead of hand written. However, some juristictions may have specific protocols that require handwritten statements. In this case, the statement may accompany the typed copy of the arrest record, also filled out by the officer. Always check with your reviewing authority for details on how such a statement needs to be completed.

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It means written on a type writer or today, on a word procesor, as opposed to hand writen.

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I think you mean written statement. What you are asking about write statement you are confusing with written statement, the same with write in statement. A written statement is simply putting your words, or your version of events in writing.

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If the comment is on one of your posts, pictures, or your wall, then you simply click the "x" in the upper right-hand corner of their comment. If the statement is written somewhere else other than on something of yours, you cannot delete it.

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The statement was written by John Locke.

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Hugh Annesley has written: 'Strategy statement 1990' 'Strategy statement 1991'

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