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Q: Can a yeast infection be transferred to a human male?
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Male yeast infection can he give it to a women?

Yes, a male can give a yeast infection to a woman.

Can a yeast infection in a male cause him not to have an erection?

No a yeast infection do not do that. but talking about erections, if you have a yeast infection you should not have sex with another person since you can give it to them.

How long after intercourse can a male catch a yeast infection if the female has a yeast infection?

its very depend on how you keep your body hygiene and how well your imune system

How do you say yeast infection for a male in spanish?

Translation: infección fúngica.

Is it possible for a female to give a male a yeast infection through intercourse?


Can a male get a bladder infection if a female has one?

Yes, any STD can be transferred.

Can ketozal topical cream be used for vaginal yeast infection?

well i have ketozal topical cream and it is use to treat penis ringworm and male yeast infection,and male yeast infection is different from woman so i dont think it will work

What does a male yeast infection look like in the groin area?

It luke like a rotten buttholee

What junk food does to people?

If you are a female then you would get a yeast infection or a male you would probaily get heart canacer

Will male yeast infections make him sterile?

No but they will make his bread rise

What would cause a 19 year old male to get yeast infection of the throat?

stop giving cunnilingus to prostitutes

What does it mean if a male burned once during peeing?

You may have a urinary tract infection or yeast infection. You may take over the counter cranberry capsules or tablets or even cranberry juice for the urinary tract infection. For the yeast infection you should see a doctor. Either way, see a doctor.