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Answer: Each woman's menstrual cycle is unique and can be influenced by a variety of factors. In general, a yeast infection should not cause a delay in your menstrual cycle; however, depending on the medicine you are using to treat it, you may experience a delay in your menstrual cycle. Common occurrences that can cause a delay in your menstrual period are: hormonal imbalances, certain medications, stress and anxiety, pregnancy, etc. Please see this link for period information.

- November 01, 2005 Information taken from Oregon State University's website.

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Q: Can a yeast infections delay your period?
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Do transsexuals get yeast infections?

They can. Both men and women get yeast infections.

What is diflucan prescribed for?

It is used to treat vaginal yeast infections.

Can using a yeast infection cream delay your period?

No. Using a topical cream will not delay your period. Your period is set on a 28 day cycle if your cycle is normal. Using a cream to relieve the symptoms of a yeast infection has nothing to do with your womb.

Do guys get yeast infections more than girls?

No because guys dont get yeast infections

Is it bad to continuously have yeast infections after your period?

Yes, it's bad to have yeast infections at any time. During menstruation you may be at higher risk of certain infections because normally your vagina is acidic to kill off harmful flora, but blood effects vaginal pH so make it less acidic and more favorable to harmful flora.

Can figerring a girl delay period?

No this will not delay a period.

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How can you tell if a man has a yeast infection?

A man that has a yeast infections may experience burning, itching or a rash around the penis. Yeast infections are not considered STD's , Never the less unprotected sex may mean a pardner can catch it as well. Yeast infections can be caused by a course of antibiotics that kills off the friendly flora in the gut. When that happens, candida albican can form, the infection that is responsible for yeast infections. Yeast infections treated with medications such as Monistat, which can be used by men and women.

Well zithromax treat a yeast infection?

No, Zithromax treats bacterial infections. It is not effective against fungal infections like yeast.

Does lexapro cause vaginal yeast infections?

No, yeast causes yeast infections, Lexapro may predispose you to being susceptible to the infection so follow good hygiene practices.

What is nystatin oral suspension?

nystatin is a polyene antifungal drug to which molds and yeast infections are sensitive to it is commonly used to treat yeast infections, thrush, and gastrointestinal fungal infections.

Can you get a disease from yeast?

No. Yeast infections in people are caused by a completely different organizm from the yeast used in food.