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No because all organisms or zygotes (male or female) has sex chromosomes X

in male it is XX while in female it is XY

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Q: Can a zygote survive without the x sex chromosome?
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How many pairs of sex chromosome in zygote of human?


How could a zygote be produced with an XYY karyotype?

An XYY zygote can be formed if a pair of sex chromosomes fails to separate during meiosis, so the gamete formed has both the X and Y chromosomes. This gamete would then meet the other gamete from the other cell that would contain a Y sex chromosome. The resulting zygote that is formed would have XYY sex chromosomes. This abnormalty where there is an extra chromosome or is missing a chromosome is called nondisjunction.

What two types of sperm result if nondisjunction of sex chromosomes occur during meiosis 1?

if nondisjunction occurs in meiosis 1 then the resultant sperms are XY carrying sperm n sperm without sex chromosome............ if XY carrying sperm fertilizes with normal X carrying ovum it results in XXY abnormal zygote if sperm without sex chromosome fertilizes with normal X carrying ovum it results in XO abnormal zygote

A sperm carrying a Y chromosome can produce a?

Male zygote if it fertilizes the female sex cell, ovum

Compare and constrast autosomes and sex chromosome?

Autosomes are the somatic chromosomes which control the body characters or somatic characters and sex chromosomes help in the determination of sex at the time of gametic union to form the zygote.

What does the 23Rd chromosome represent?

The 23rd chromosome is the sex chromosome. It is either an X or Y (strictly male) chromosome. When the sperm and egg cells fuse, they combine into 46 chromosomes with either two X chromosomes or an XY pairing. If it is 2 X chromosomes, the zygote is a female. If it is an XY pairing, the zygote is a male.

How do chromosomes determine an individual's sex?

The female- or male- ness of the fertilized Ovum [Zygote] depends upon the X, or Y, 'component' of Chromosome Number 23 [the sex-chromosome] that is donated from the Male. All of the Female Chromosome Numbers 23 ARE XX.

N humans what is chromosome pair 23 called?

sex chromosomes

What is the chance that human zygote will receive one X and one Y sex chromosome during fertilization?

The chance is 50%.

What is a chance that a human zygote will receive one x and one y sex chromosome during fertilization?

The chance is 50%.

Does a zygote have a haploid number of chromosomes?

A zygote is a fertilized egg, so half of the number came from the sperm (a haploid number or n) and half came from the egg (also a haploid number or n) so the zygote has a diploid chromosome number (2n).

When is the the sex of a zygote determined?

Sex is determined by the sperm cell that fertalized it. The egg supplies an X chromosome, and the sperm cell supplieds an X or a Y chromosome. If the result is XX, it is female, if it is XY, it is male.