

Can air reproduce

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Q: Can air reproduce
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For organisms to live and reproduce on earth, the three main thing they will always need is Air, Water and Food.

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maybe wet moisture in the air.....

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Anteaters reproduce by standing up with another anteater and waving their hands in the air like crazy. During this process, they scream"Abibbily bubbly boo!!"

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Anteaters reproduce by standing up with another anteater and waving their hands in the air like crazy. During this process, they scream"Abibbily bubbly boo!!"

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yes, that is how they reproduce dip. tigers don't just appear out of thin air. jesus, the dips on here

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Basically anything that doesn't grow or reproduce: rocks, dirt, water, air, etc.

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