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Q: Can alpacas and sheep share the same pen?
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The word pen different meaning but spell de same way?

"pen", the sheep were in their pen. a pen is what you could put sheep in.

What is another name for a sheep pen?

A sheep pen is a small enclosure for holding sheep. Another word for a sheep pen is called a fold.

What is a sheep pen called?

A sheep pen is called just a "pen." The larger pens or multiple pens together is called a stockyard.

If a farmer has 9 sheep and 1 large pen and 3 small pens how does he get 1 sheep in each pen?

eat 5 sheep

If there are 27 sheep place them into four pens so there is an odd number of sheep in each pen?

it's impossible i thinkActually, if you consider the unrealistic situation of concentric pens with 1 sheep in the inner-most pen, 4 in the next outer pen, 18 in the next outer pen and finally 4 in the next outer pen, there are an odd number in each pen (1, 5, 23 and 27 sheep in each respective pen) and a total of 27 sheep overall.

What is the name of place called where sheep live?

sheep farming

What is a pen for sheep called?


What is the meaning of sheepfold?

A fold or pen for sheep; a place where sheep are collected or confined.

Is pen the name of sheep's home?

Yes it is.

What is a ewes home?

The answer is "Cotes" defined as a small pen for sheep or goats

What is the home of sheep?

barn, shed, pen, cote

Can sheep and goats live together in the same pen and are they aggressive towards each other?

They may fight at first, however, once they are used to one another they will get along quite well. You should never put two male goat and sheep in the same pen alone, they will fight.