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Hydrogen and also oxygen is really beautiful yay!

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Q: Can also be performed by what other kind of organic molecule?
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Is adenosine triphosphate an organic molecule?

An organic compound is a molecule that contains carbon and other organic elements such as sulfur, hydrogen, and nitrogen. The molecular formula for ATP is C10H16N5O13P3. This would conclude that ATP is an organic molecule. It is also naturally made, which is one of the characteristics of an organic molecule.

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Proteins can perform many different functions in living cells. One major function acting as a catalyst for chemical reactions can also be performed by what other kind of organic molecule?


. Proteins can perform many different functions in living cells. One major function acting as a catalyst for chemical reactions can also be performed by what other kind of organic molecule?


What is any molecule that contains hydrogen and carbon?

Any molecule that contains hydrogen and carbon is an organic compound. If the molecule contains no other elements, it is also a hydrocarbon.

What type of organic molecule is used as motor fuel and also in making many plastics?

type of organic molecule is used as motor fuel and also in making many plastics?

Do stones contain organic compounds?

An organic molecule will always contain carbon and hydrogen depending on the molecule it might also contain hydroxide, oxygen nitrogen, chlorine, and other chemicals depending on the organic compound for example sugar is C6 H12 O6. More complex organic compounds will have more Carbon and hydrogen and other chemicals.

What elements does a organic molecule contain?

An organic molecule will always contain carbon and hydrogen depending on the molecule it might also contain hydroxide, oxygen nitrogen, chlorine, and other chemicals depending on the organic compound for example sugar is C6 H12 O6. More complex organic compounds will have more Carbon and hydrogen and other chemicals.

What type of substance is a methane?

Methane (CH4), is an organic compound, a gaseous hydrocarbon.

Is H O an organic molecule?

H2O (water) is an inorganic compound; it was not created by living organisms nor first found in them. Water is a simple molecule; organic molecules are much more complex (such as lipids or carbohydrates, for example) and are created by living organisms. Also, organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen.

Organic compounds all contain what?

An organic molecule will always contain carbon and hydrogen depending on the molecule it might also contain hydroxide, oxygen nitrogen, chlorine, and other chemicals depending on the organic compound for example sugar is C6 H12 O6. More complex organic compounds will have more Carbon and hydrogen and other chemicals.

What element do all do all organic compounds have?

Every organic molecule contains carbon atoms.