

Best Answer

Yes, antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of the Birth Control causing breakthrough bleeding

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Q: Can amoxicillin cause cramping and spotting?
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Can you be pregnant if youre spotting and cramping?


Does birth control cause cramping and spotting?

Yes. Cramps and spotting are a very common side effect while using birth control, especially in the first 1 to 3 months.

You were only spotting for not even a full day and having some bad cramping?

You were only spotting for not even a full day and having some bad cramping?

Can pap smear cause spotting in early pregnancy?

A small amount of spotting will not interfere with the pap results, while heavier bleeding may. Ask your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

What are the risks of hysterosonography?

The chief risks are mild spotting and cramping after the procedure.

Is it normal having spotting during twins pregnancy?

Spotting is OK But anything dark red and very blood can be cause for concern. If you are having a lot of blood and a lot of cramping you should probably go see your doctor asap!

You are 9 weeks pregnant and started Cramping and spotting should you go to the er?

It all depends on your color of blood and level of pain in cramping. If your spotting is pink or brown-ish... they say it is not as big of a problem as dark red and/or heavy bleeding. I read that the embryo implants deeper during the 9th week and sometimes causes spotting and cramping. But either way, go with your intuition... ER or not!

Are backache and cramping normal in the first trimester?

backaches yes cramping is ok as long there is no spotting

Is pink discharge and cramping a sign of pregnancy?

Sometimes spotting (pink discharge) and mild cramping are signs of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus. However, you may be ovulating and experiencing mittelschmerz (middle of the month pain or ovulation pain). Spotting can sometimes occur with ovulation. If you continue to experience spotting and pain, see your physician.

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Spotting and cramping after missed period?

If have missed a normal period, and have experienced spotting and cramping that isn't like your normal flow, taking a pregnancy test is recommended. It is relatively common in early pregnancy to have spotting and cramping from the fertilized egg burrowing into your uterine lining. If it comes back negative, don't fret. Major changes can affect your menstrual cycle, from changes in birth control, exercise habits and even stress, to name a few.

What symptoms do you get with a miscarriage?

brown spotting , no heartbeat in u/s brown spotting , no heartbeat in u/s brown spotting , no heartbeat in u/s