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Yes, you can be as long as you disclose this to all parties involved.

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Q: Can an Indiana mortgage originator also be a Realtor?
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Related questions

Where can you get a list of bank mortgage rates?

You can get a list of bank mortgage rates directly from the bank that you want to work with. You can also get the current mortgage rate from a realtor, but these rates will change periodically.

Where can one find a mortgage with low interest rates?

You can find mortgages with low interest rates online using the Realtor website. You can also find a mortgage rate calculator on the Bankrate website that will also find the best mortgage rates available to you.

What is a good place to look for an Adverse credit mortgage lender?

There are a number of places one can look for an adverse credit mortgage (also known as a bad credit mortgage) lender. Some potential sites include uSwitch, Council of Mortgage Lenders and Realtor.

Where is the best place to look for mortgage quotes online?

The best place to look for mortgage quotes online is the Lending Tree website. Alternatively you can also find these quotes online from websites such as Realtor and Zillow.

Where can one find information about Springfield mortgage?

One can find information concerning mortgages in Springfield, Ohio by looking at online listings - for example, those provided by Zillow or Realtor. One can also seek a mortgage broker in Springfield for advice in getting a mortgage.

Where can you find details on California home Mortgage?

There are many helpful websites that will give you details on what you need to open a California home mortgage. Your local realtor may also be able to point you in the direction of a mortgage officer that they use in business or for personal use. The bank you use for your everyday checking and savings account will also have a mortgage office that can assist you.

Can a mortgage broker also be a realtor?

It would usually depend on the state, but as long as there is no conflict of interest, and the realtor does not force their client to use them as the mortgage broker and visa versa, there should be no problems. An individual would have to hold a license in both fields, and meet the continuing education requirements for both fields. Check with your state for specific rules and regulations.

Where can one find a database of real estate mortgage rates?

One can find a database of real estate mortgage rates from the Zillow website. One can also find such data from Realtor, Bank of America and The Wall Street Journal.

How can one ensure they get the lowest interest rate on their mortgage?

One can ensure they get the lowest interest rate on their mortgage by asking on various websites like Realtor or Bankrate. One could also go to a local bank and ask for information in there.

Where can one find an equity loan second mortgage?

One could find an equity loan second mortgage from many websites, such as BankRate and Realtor. One could also check out their local area banks and see what they may have to offer.

Where can someone find information about a no closing cost home refinance for their mortgage?

You may find information about no closing cost home refinancing for your mortgage from an experienced Realtor. You may also want to ask your local bank, as they have to do deal with mortgages on a daily basis.

Where can one find a mortgage lender?

The best place to look for a mortgage lender is through your personal real estate agent as they will always have a good recommendation for a lender. You can also locate one online using websites such as Realtor to find one with good personal reviews.