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Yes, the adult can go to jail. The term "underage" refers to the fact that the person is under the legal age to make decisions. This includes the decision to have sex. That means that if you have sex with her and she "consents" her consent is not valid because she is considered too young to make the decision. This means you would be guilty of statutory rape because you violated the statute declaring the legal age of consent.

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Q: Can an adult go to jail if his underage girlfriend got pregnant?
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Can a 27-year-old go to jail for getting his 17-year-old girlfriend pregnant if the age of consent is 16?

Yes. This is one instance where judges do not hestitate to impose the maximum sentencing allowed if the adult is convicted of a crime(s) against an underage person.

You slept with an underage boy and you are pregnant but he lied what can happen?

you can go to jail for rape

If im 20 and the partner is 16 can you go to jail?

It depends on the age of consent in your area. If the partner is underage and you are an adult then yes, you could end up in jail.

In Oregon if an underage girl becomes pregnant by an over age man what happens?

The overage man goes to court, and probably jail for being a pedifile.

Does an underage retail theft and an adult retail theft count as 2 retail theft?

i think they do just because there are too people and they are both stealing and the kid could put in juvy and the adult in jail

If your seventeen and your girlfriend is fifteen can her parents get you put in jail even if she wanted it more then the boy can that still happen?

doesnt matter what she wanted...she is still underage and below the age of consent.

Underage attempt of robbery how long of jail time?

Under 14 you can assume until 18 in Juvenile detention and a rough life there after. Beyond that age, the odds increase that the individual is tried as an adult. They would receive the same as any other adult.

Can an 18th year old go to jail if he gets his girlfriend pregnant that is 16th years old?

It depends if the parents prosecute, but yes.

Can a 19 year old be put in jail if his 16 year old girlfriend is pregnant?

no i dont think so that would be not fair

Who is Jonathan James?

He was the first underage person to go to jail for hacking.

If you are 16 can you go to a adult jail?

You should be put in a young offenders jail not an adult jail at that age.

What happens if I don't pay my underage smoking ticket?

You go to Jail and trial