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Yes, but only in nuclear reactions. If an atom emits an alpha particle, it will lose two protons to the emitted particle.

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No, an atom cannot gain or lose protons. Protons are the positively charged particles within the nucleus of an atom, and changing the number of protons would change the atom's identity. However, atoms can gain or lose electrons, which affects their charge but not their identity.

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Q: Can an atom gain or lose protons why or why not?
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What cannot change in an atom is it protons neutrons or electrons?

An atoms protons cannot change.The number of neutrons can change (gain or lose) to form an isotope (ex. Hydrogen naturally has no neutrons. But it can gain neutrons to form Heavy Hydrogen, or in other words, a Hydrogen Isotope).An atom can gain or lose electrons to form an ion. Usually an atom will gain or lose electrons to fill its valence (outermost) shell. It takes just as much energy to gain an electron as it is to lose one, so an atom will always look to lose or gain the least amount of electrons possible. (ex. Oxygen has 6 valence electrons. It will look to gain 2 electrons, rather than lose 6).Protons: DO NOT CHANGENeutrons: Can change to form an isotopeElectrons: Can change to form an ion

Do atoms lose protons but seldom lose or gain electrons?

Atoms typically do not lose protons because that would change the identity of the element. Instead, atoms can lose or gain electrons to form ions with a different charge. Protons are not generally lost by atoms in chemical reactions.

Determine the typical charge for an atom?

An atom is always neutrally charged, with equal numbers of protons and electrons. As soon as elements lose or gain electrons, they become ions.

Does a positive atom gain protons?

no, it looses them

An atom does not easily lose or gain electrons if it has?

A full outer electron shell. Atoms tend to be more stable when they have a full valence shell, which typically contains eight electrons. This stability makes it less likely for the atom to either lose or gain electrons.

How does an ion develop?

An ion is an atom with a charge. This means that the number of electrons does not match the number of protons, thus giving it a charge. If there are more electrons, it has a negative charge. If it has more protons, it has a positive charge. Remember though, an atom cannot lose or gain protons, only electrons.

What part of an atom defines what type of element it is?

Valence electron describes type of element. It either lose or gain electron.

Is atomic number the number of electrons in an atom?

Technically it is the number of protons, which is the same as the number of electrons in a neutral atom. But since most atoms can either gain or lose electrons to form ions it is still best to base atomic number on the protons.

What happens when you lose or gain an electron?

When you lose an electron, you become positively charged because you have more protons than electrons. When you gain an electron, you become negatively charged because you have more electrons than protons. This process is known as ionization.

What do you get if an atom gains or loses protons?

If atoms gain electrons, negatively charged anions are formed. If atoms lose electrons, positively charged cations are formed.

Would an atom with 3 electrons in level M tend to gain or lose electrons?

That depends on the element. Any such atom with more than four protons will gain electrons to become electrically neutral. If that atoms has four protons (beryllium) then it will be able to form a stable ion with two electrons. If it is left with three electrons it will either gain an electron to form a neutral atom or, if in the presence of an oxidizing substance, lose an electron to form an ion. If the atom has three protons (lithium) it will form a stable, neutral atom with three electrons but will lose one electron when it reacts to form a stable ion. If that atom has two protons (helium) then it will only be stable with two electrons and will gain or lose electrons accordingly to maintain that number. If the atom has one proton (hydrogen) then it will tend to share electrons rather than gaining or losing them. It forms a neutral atom with one electron but can form an ion with two. It has no stable configuration with three electrons.

To become a negative ion does an atom lose or gain electron?

To become a negative ion, an atom gains one or more electrons. By gaining electrons, the atom becomes negatively charged since the number of electrons exceeds the number of protons, resulting in an overall negative charge.