

Can an ear infection spread if not treated and how?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can an ear infection spread if not treated and how?
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Can inner ear infection spread through the body?

No it can not. Only if the Outer ear gets the infection too.

What is the most common ear problem?

The most common ear problem is a ear infection which can be treated at your local doctors office.

Can an ear infection cause pain outside the ear and cause a swollen face?

Absolutely. An infection typically causes swelling and pain, and if it is not treated, or if the antibiotic is not working quickly enough, the swelling and pain can spread. Another common ailment that causes swelling and pain on the face could be a tooth infection. If you have not seen a doctor already, please do so as soon as you can, because infections spread if not treated, and can get into your blood and cause severe problems (plus, it's just going to hurt worse and worse).

My dogs ear is hurting him but he wont let me look at it and he scrathches and shakes it all the time Whats wrong with him?

Either something stuck in the ear, ear mites, ear infection or yeast infection of the ear. All easily treated at the vet.

What causes acute infection of the middle ear?

Infections in the middle ear can sometimes spread through the mastoid bone.

What causes pus to come out of the ear?

Pus coming out of the ears could be a sign that the eardrum has ruptured due to extreme pressure from an infection, usually from an infection called otitis media, or inflammation/infection of the middle ear. Continued infection could permanently damage hearing due to tissue destruction and/or scarring. The best thing to do is to have a health professional evaluate and see if antibiotics or ear drops, or both, are needed to help it heal properly.Other infections of the ear canal can create drainage, and need to be treated before they spread. The ear is an easy place to get an infection called cellulitis, so it shouldn't be ignored, either.

Can ear infection spread to bones?

Absolutely! Mastoiditis is an inflammation of the mastoid bone directly caused by infections of the middle ear.

Can stuffy nose give you ear infection?

a stuffy nose causes a headache which can spread to your sinus' causing an ear infection. you need to go to your doctors and ask for freakint cream.

Can germs be transmitted through your ears?

Yes they can be. It's the main cause for ear infections. For instance, if a child has an eye infection and they rub their eye, then stick that finger in their ear, they can spread the infection to their ear and vice versa.

If your dog has an ear infection could it cause his eyes to be swollen and also the side of his face?

If your dog has an ear infection it definitely could cause his eyes to be swollen. Infections can travel if not treated.

Why is typanoplasty surgery performed?

Perforation of the Ear drum either from trauma or infection is treated by Tympanoplasty

My puppy has nystagmus and burys her head down. She is getting over parvo and is 8 weeks old and also has ear infection. Could nerve damage be from this or from an Iv into her jugular vein?

It's most likely caused by the ear infection. If she has not been treated for the ear infection she should go to the vet immediately If left untreated ear infections can spread and cause permanent damage or death. Refer to the following link. It will explain why an ear infection will cause nystagmus. http:/ It's highly unlikely the IV caused any damage. It probably saved her life by keeping her hydrated.