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An employer must pay at least minimum wage for any hours worked. You should call a lawyer.

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Q: Can an employer withhold your pay for your week of training?
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Can your employer withhold your pay if you fail to report in sick?

He can for the day that you claimed to be sick.

Can an employer withhold a paycheck after 8 years employment and change pay period?

This would be the employer choice to do this yes.

Why would you want your employer to take out FICA and medicare taxes?

It's not an option for him, by law, your employer MUST withhold these taxes from your pay.

Can an employer not pay you for your first day of work calling it a training day?

Yes. They usually do it for the first week, to make sure you 'fit the bill.'

Can an employer withhold money due an ex employee while investigating lost paperwork?

Employers must pay workers at least the minimum wage for all hours worked, regardless of promised pay rate. SO an employer can withhold all but the min wage times total hours worked.

What do you get back after taxes with a salary of 52000?

Your employer payroll department will be the only that that may be able to help you determine what your net take home pay would be after they withhold all of the necessary amounts from your 52000 gross pay that they are required to withhold.

What is your gross income if your net income is 1000 per week?

You should get this information from your employer payroll department as they will be the one that would know how much FICA, federal income tax, state income, local taxes, etc they will have to withhold from your hourly pay or gross pay for the pay period.

How long does an employer have to pay you after firing you in Washington state?

Federal law states that an employer should pay a person after being fired in Washington state, on the next available payday. An employer cannot withhold payment for hours worked in any state.

How many taxes should be taken out of your paycheck?

Social Security and medicare insurance amount of 7.65% will be withheld from your gross pay plus the other amount the employer payroll department will be required to withhold from your gross pay before they issue you your NET take home paycheck for the pay period. Then you will also have other federal income tax amounts and other items that your employer payroll department will be required to withhold from your gross earnings. You should ask the employer payroll department for the amounts that they will have to withhold from your gross earnings.

Rachael lives in a state where she pays 7 percent state income tax What will her net pay per week be if she is paid 330.00 weekly?

306.90 IF the 7 percent state income would be the only amount that the employer payroll department is required to withhold from her gross earning for that pay period The amount will never be taken out of her net take home paycheck. The employer will withhold that amount from her gross wages earnings for that pay period before the employer will issue her NET take home paycheck to her. And WHAT about all of the other necessary withholding amounts that the employer will be required to withhold from her gross earnings before they issue the NET pay check amount. If she really needs to know the best number that she might receive in her net take home paycheck she should check with her employers payroll department about this.

How long does an employer have to pay you after being fired in Washington state?

Federal law states that an employer should pay a person after being fired in Washington state, on the next available payday. An employer cannot withhold payment for hours worked in any state.

Can your employer a days pay from your salary?

Withhold a days pay? Not if you worked. Employer must pay you for every hour worked, no exceptions. All deductions from your pay you must authorize in writing in advance. Violations? Call US Dept. of LAbor Wage & Hour Division.