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If he agrees to it and someone pays the premium. It's an excellent procedure (opinion).

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Q: Can an ex-husband be insured to protect a 14 year alimony payment in case of his death before the 14 years are up?
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How can you protect yourself if exhusband is charging medical and dental on your insurance cards?

Unless you are his guarantor for his medical bils, you do not need to do anything about his using your insurance cards. When the doctor's office submits the bill, the insurer will notify them that he does not have insurance. The doctor's office will then go to him for payment. You are not at risk for his medical bills.

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Insurance companies have re-insurers to protect their assets.

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No bankruptcy will not protect you from wage garnishments for certain types of debt. For example, court ordered child support/past due child support, court ordered alimony/past due alimony,student loans, federal taxes,state taxes and county taxes are not covered under the protections of bankruptcy. Bankruptcy will also not protect you from wage garnisments for court ordered fines,restitution.

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Can a self insured propane gas company be sued by a clients lawyer?

Being self insured does not protect one from law suits. Anybody with a reasonable claim can sue someone else. It is a hazard of a litigeous society.

Should all legal owners be listed as the insured on a homeowners insurance policy?

Yes they should be listed to protect their interest.

Do catering companies have to be insured for liability purposes?

Catering companies should cary liability insurance for their operations. This will protect them in the event of a lawsuit.

How can you use a payment gateway for your business?

You can use a payment gateway to protect the personal information of your customers. Many businesses use payment gateways as a security measure. This is just one way used to prevent fraud.

What is a bad faith law suit?

"Bad faith" is a term usually used to describe poor conduct by insurance companies on a failure to protect the assets of the insured. A bad faith lawsuit is usually filed by a an insured against his own insurance company after the insurance company has failed to settle a claim by an injured person and the injured person then obtains a judgment or verdict against the insured in excess of the policy limits of the insured person.

How do you protect your alimony from collectors?

Depends if you want to do it the legal or illegal way. LEGAL: You could always get a job with lower income then your ex. ILLEGAL: Ask to get paid "Under the table", or work the corners.

Is scooter insurance more for teenagers?

Scooter insurance in not just for teenagers, but for good drivers of all ages. Most states now require that you have your scooter insured. this is not just to protect other drivers from you, but to protect you from other drivers!

What type of service is Protx?

It is a payment gateway. It can be used to authorise payments for e-commerce or online retailers. Payment gateways protect credit card details by encrypting sensitive information.